EWL News

News typewritter Latest news from the European Women’s Lobby in Brussels

  • NGOs and MEPs call for more legitimacy in the implementation of the EU economic strategy

    (Brussels, 14 May 2013) The EWL co-organised a very successful public Hearing on ‘Strengthening the democratic legitimacy of the European Semester - Civil Society proposals for smart, sustainable and inclusive recovery’ on 14 May 2013 in the European Parliament.
    For the second time since 2010, the European Women’s Lobby has been involved with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) engaging with the European Semester. In a move for political transparency and impact in the lives of Europeans, an (...) Read more

  • EWL concerned by potential closing down of gender sector in EU research services

    EWL concerned by potential closing down of gender sector in EU research services

    (Brussels 14 May) On the 13 May, the EWL wrote to Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, whose portfolio responsibilities are for Research, Innovation and Science within the European Commission, to express our concerns regarding the status of the Gender Sector within European Commission services dealing with research, while these services are being reorganized.
    The EWL stressed that science and research are areas where equality between women and men is still far from being achieved. For (...) Read more

  • Civil society proposals for a smart, sustainable and inclusive recovery

    Civil society proposals for a smart, sustainable and inclusive recovery

    (Tuesday 14 May) Getting alternative proposals for Country Specific Recommendations (CSRs) in the European Semester. The 2013 European Semester is currently in full swing, especially according to the European Commission.
    Member States are currently submitting their national reform programmes and their stability or convergence programmes and the Commission receives and then assesses them. The national documents were uploaded here as they arrived. The results of the Commission assessment (...) Read more

  • Public hearing, CSRs and NRPs - Europe 2020 Joint Event, European Parliament, 14 May 2013

    Public hearing, CSRs and NRPs - Europe 2020 Joint Event, European Parliament, 14 May 2013

    (Brussels 10 May) Next Tuesday, representatives from several European NGOs will get together at a public hearing in the European Parliament, to examine the Europe2020 strategy, and to discuss how to best tackle the glaring absence of civil society from the country specific recommendations (CSRs).
    Civil Society representative organisations, (EAPN, EWL, Green Budget Europe, Eurodiaconia, EASPD, Eurochild, Caritas Europa) co-hosted by MEPs from four political parties (Marije Cornelissen, (...) Read more

  • Book Launch: No time for children?

    (Brussels 10 May) No Time for Children? Demographers agree: we are entering a period of steady population decline. What impact on the labour market? On Children? On Women? On Reconciling Work and Family Life?
    While much of the world worries about increasing population, this book looks the other way. It highlights the dramatic fall in fertility rates in all regions of the world.
    Demographers suggest that by 2050 this will lead to population decline. While environmentally this may be (...) Read more

  • EWL prepares for General Assembly in Croatia

    EWL prepares for General Assembly in Croatia

    (Brussels 10 May) The EWL secretariat is hard at work preparing the EWL general assembly which will be held in Zagreb, Croatia between the 31st of May and 2 June next. We’re very much looking forward to this opportunity to get together with the EWL membership.
    Here’s a little reminder of how we’re structured internally for those of you who mightn’t be aware.
    General Assembly
    The General Assembly of the EWL meets once a year, bringing together some 100 delegates from national and European (...) Read more

  • EWL Vacancy - Administrative Assistant for Brussels secretariat

    (Brussels 03 May)
    EWL Vacancy - full time administrative assistant for Brussels Secretariat
    The EWL and its Brussels based Secretariat are looking to recruit a full time administrative assistant. The person will work under the direction of the Secretary General and will be responsible for general administrative duties. The ideal candidate that EWL is looking for a highly organised, dynamic, independent and very attentive to detail. The ideal candidate will be able to work both in English (...) Read more

  • Austerity Leaves Domestic Violence Victims Stranded

    Austerity Leaves Domestic Violence Victims Stranded

    (Belgrade, 26 April) - (IPS) - Up to a quarter of women in Europe have experienced domestic violence at some point in their lives, according to the Council of Europe. But despite the widespread nature of the phenomenon, more often than not we ignore it. A short video launched last month in Serbia managed to break this silence.
    At first glance, the clip is just another photo-a-day video popularised on YouTube: photos of a smiling young woman follow one another, offering glimpses of (...) Read more

  • EWL and partners to host public hearing on the European Semester

    EWL and partners to host public hearing on the European Semester

    (Brussels 03 May) Strengthening the democratic legitimacy of the European Semester - Civil Society proposals for smart, sustainable and inclusive recovery
    A public hearing will be held in the European Parliament 14th May, 2013: 09.00 – 12.30 Room P5B001, Co-hosted by : Marije Cornelissen, Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance; Veronica Lope Fontagné, European People’s Party; Marian Harkin, ALDE; Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto, S&D and Civil Society ad-hoc coalition: EAPN, EWL, Green Budget (...) Read more

  • Gender Equality must be at core of economic policies, says EWL President at Irish Presidency Conference

    Gender Equality must be at core of economic policies, says EWL President at Irish Presidency Conference

    [Brussels, 2 May 2013] EWL President stresses that gender equality is transversal and must be at the core of economic policies, including in employment policies and economic governance.
    Speaking at the final panel at the Irish Presidency conference on Women’s economic engagement and the Europe 2020 Agenda (29-30 April) EWL President Viviane Teitelbaum, stressed the urgency of including a headline target on gender equality in the European 2020 Strategy as equality between women and men (...) Read more



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