EWL News

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  • EWL participates in Mental Health Europe partners meeting in framework of project to work with law enforcement agents to tackle domestic violence

    EWL participates in Mental Health Europe partners meeting in framework of project to work with law enforcement agents to tackle domestic violence

    [Brussels, 21 September 2011] As every fifth woman in Europe has been a victim of intimate partner violence, there is no doubt that domestic abuse should be high on the European agenda. The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) thus welcomed the initiative of EWL Associate Member Organisation Mental Health Europe (MHE) to tackle domestic violence by training law enforcement agents - the first points of contact for women denouncing their aggressors - on the mental health aspects associated with this (...) Read more

  • Disability and the UN: The time has come, says European Disability Forum

    Disability and the UN: The time has come, says European Disability Forum

    [Brussels, 14 September 2011] In January 2011, the EU ratified its first international convention, the UN Convention the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (see EWL news of 06 January 2011). Since then, the EWL has supported the work of its member organisation, the European Disability Forum, in calling for the rapid ratification and implementation of this Convention by all the EU member states. Thus far, 18 countries have ratified, but Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Ireland, (...) Read more

  • Cyprus - EWL members react to expert findings of serious gaps in Cyprus action to combat trafficking in human beings

    Cyprus - EWL members react to expert findings of serious gaps in Cyprus action to combat trafficking in human beings

    [Nicosia, 13 September 2011] EWL member organisation, the Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies (MIGS), welcomes the recently published report of the Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) that concerns the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings by Cyprus. GRETA is the monitoring mechanism to supervise the implementation of states’ obligations under the Convention that has been signed and ratified (...) Read more

  • EWL co-organises event in the European Parliament on Violence against Women and SRHR in EU internal and external policies

    EWL co-organises event in the European Parliament on Violence against Women and SRHR in EU internal and external policies

    [Brussels, 08 September 2011] Violence against women and girls is the most pervasive violation of women’s human rights within Europe and beyond. While European Union (EU) external policies have integrated increased commitments to ending the scourge of violence against women and girls and promoting their sexual and reproductive health and rights, the lack of common legislation to deal with widespread abuses of women within Europe’s borders is striking.
    Bringing together the perspectives of (...) Read more

  • European Disability Forum publishes 2nd Manifesto on the Rights of Women and Girls with Disabilities in the EU

    European Disability Forum publishes 2nd Manifesto on the Rights of Women and Girls with Disabilities in the EU

    [Brussels, 08 September 2011] The EWL has endorsed the 2nd Manifesto on the Rights of Women and Girls with Disabilities in the European Union published by the European Disability Forum, an EWL member organisation.
    ’Promoting the equal rights of women and girls with disabilities is one of the most important aspects of the work of the European Disability Forum and I am convinced that this manifesto will be a key tool for ensuring the full respect of these rights in practice’ says EDF (...) Read more

  • EWL members contribute to appeal to ECJ against forced sterilisation of women with mental disabilities

    EWL members contribute to appeal to ECJ against forced sterilisation of women with mental disabilities

    [Brussels, 08 September 2011] The European Disability Forum, an EWL European member organisation, has been active in a coalition of human rights groups speaking out against the practice of forced sterilisation of women with mental disabilities in France in a case presented to the European Court of Justice (ECJ).
    In news released by the Mental Disability Advocacy Centre, on the 16 August, the Center for Reproductive Rights, European Disability Forum, Interights, International Disability (...) Read more

  • EWL members in Hungary organise conference on prostitution and trafficking

    EWL members in Hungary organise conference on prostitution and trafficking

    [Brussels, 08 September 2011] MONA Foundation for the Women of Hungary, member of the Hungarian Women’s Lobby, is organising a conference on prostitution and trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation on 23 September in Budapest. Sexual exploitation and trafficking to this end of primarily women and girls is occurring on a large scale within Hungary, while many Hungarian women and girls are trafficked out of Hungary to other countries in Europe such as the Netherlands, Switzerland, (...) Read more

  • Slovenia - EWL members’ activism in solidarity with women of Poland and Russia on reproductive rights

    Slovenia - EWL members' activism in solidarity with women of Poland and Russia on reproductive rights

    [Brussels, 06 September 2011] The Women’s Lobby of Slovenia and their members recently organised two protests in solidarity with the women in Russia and Poland, where there are serious attempts in the parliament to diminish their right to legal and safe abortion.
    These rights are threatened by radical conservative political forces and christian religious fundamentalism. Protests took place on 06 September 2011 at 12.00 and 13.30 in front of the Russian and Polish embassies in Ljubljana. (...) Read more

  • EWL issues Statement calling for decisive action by companies and the EU for parity on company boards

    EWL issues Statement calling for decisive action by companies and the EU for parity on company boards

    [Brussels, 01 September 2011] In a context of increased debate and attention surrounding the benefits of binding measures for the participation of women in decision-making in the private sector, the EWL has issued a Statement on ’EU Legislation for the Equal Representation of Women and Men on Corporate Boards’. At present, women represent just 12% of board members and less than 3% of company chairs in Europe. Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the European Commission, has given companies until (...) Read more

  • EWL writes to Heads of Political Groups in the EP urging nominations of more women for top posts in January 2012

    EWL writes to Heads of Political Groups in the EP urging nominations of more women for top posts in January 2012

    [Brussels, 02 September 2011] In January 2012, the European Parliament will hold mid-term elections for the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the Parliamentary Committees, as well as for a new parliamentary Bureau. The EWL has this week dispatched letters to the Heads of the Political Groups in the European Parliament urging them to ensure an equal number of women and men are nominated for these positions, with the aim of reaching parity in decision-making positions within the of the Institution. (...) Read more



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