Press releases

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  • EWL welcomes strong focus on women’s rights in new EU approach to human trafficking

    EWL welcomes strong focus on women's rights in new EU approach to human trafficking

    [Brussels, 19 June 2012] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL), the largest coalition of women’s NGOs in Europe, has welcomed the launch today of the new EU Strategy to combat human trafficking, which has a strong focus on women’s rights and gender equality.
    The Strategy, which aims to provide an integrated, coherent, and outcome-oriented strategy towards the eradication of trafficking in human beings, was presented today by EU Commissioner for Home Affairs, Cecilia Malmström.
    The EWL has long (...) Read more

  • MEPs give prostitution at sporting events the red card

    MEPs give prostitution at sporting events the red card

    [Brussels, 30 May 2012] Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) from nine countries and all political groups gathered together today in support of the European Women’s Lobby’s campaign against prostitution around sporting events. In a message to athletes, officials, fans, journalists and decision-makers ahead of the London Olympics and the UEFA European Football Championships in Poland and Ukraine, the 20 MEPs held up red cards which read ‘Be a sport. Keep it fair… Say NO to prostitution.’ (...) Read more

  • New Executive Committee of EWL reflects integration of women’s movement in Europe and squares up to backlash against women’s rights

    New Executive Committee of EWL reflects integration of women's movement in Europe and squares up to backlash against women's rights

    [Brussels, 15 May 2012] Eight years after the enlargement of the EU to ten new Member States in 2004, the new Executive Committee of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) reflects the positive experience of collaboration and integration of the women’s movement in Europe. Slovene representative Sonja Lokar, the first President of the organisation hailing from a new Member State, heads a new 40 member Board of Administration elected on 13 May in Budapest by delegates from 30 countries and (...) Read more

  • EWL holds Annual Conference in Hungary in support of women’s rights across Europe

    EWL holds Annual Conference in Hungary in support of women's rights across Europe

    [Brussels, 09 May 2012] Delegates from 30 countries representing more than 2000 European women’s organisations are due to meet this weekend in Budapest for the Annual Conference and General Assembly of the European Women’s Lobby.
    Budapest was selected to host this year’s meeting in a sign of solidarity with the women of Hungary who are confronted with extremely adverse circumstances in their struggle for equal rights. A Statement from the Hungarian Women’s Lobby highlights these difficulties: (...) Read more

  • The proposed reforms in social protection are going to deepen the gender gap in old age income, say AGE and EWL

    The proposed reforms in social protection are going to deepen the gender gap in old age income, say AGE and EWL

    [Brussels, 07 March 2012] On the eve of International Women’s Day and on the occasion of the EP Interparliamentary Committee meeting on 08 March on ‘Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value’, AGE Platform Europe and the European Women’s Lobby join forces to call for strong measures to meet the needs of older women in light of current reforms in social protection systems particularly with regards to pensions. “Calling for equal pay for work of equal value is important but not enough to ensure that (...) Read more

  • Links between the gender gaps in pay and pensions must be monitored and addressed

    Links between the gender gaps in pay and pensions must be monitored and addressed

    [Brussels, 02 March 2012] On the second European Equal Pay Day, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) stresses that the slow progress towards equal pay in Europe have life-long consequences for the girls and women of today. The gender gap in pay produces an even greater gender gap in pensions and means poverty for many women in the later stages of their lives. The EWL calls on the European Commission to complement its welcomed efforts to reduce the gender pay gap by developing an EU-indicator for (...) Read more

  • Accelerating the snail’s pace towards gender balance on corporate boards requires EU Directive, says EWL

    Accelerating the snail's pace towards gender balance on corporate boards requires EU Directive, says EWL

    [Brussels, 29 February 2012] Progress towards the equal representation of women and men in the boardrooms of European companies remains slow, although the initiatives adopted in some EU member states in recent years have succeeded in opening boardroom doors – narrowly – for women, reveals the European Women’s Lobby’s new report on progress, gaps and good practice as regard to women on boards in Europe.
    A few days before the European Commission Vice-President Viviane Reding will reveal whether (...) Read more

  • White Paper on Pensions: A step in the right direction but more ambition needed

    White Paper on Pensions: A step in the right direction but more ambition needed

    [Brussels, 16 February 2012] The proposed agenda is a good step in the right direction but for it to deliver, these EU initiatives will need to be supported by a stronger agenda for quality job creation, financial markets regulation and a care economy.
    AGE Platform Europe, European Women’s Lobby (EWL) and European Youth Forum (YFJ) welcome the long-awaited White Paper on Pensions, in particular its holistic approach which anchors the objective of pension adequacy, safety and sustainability (...) Read more

  • Does the EU have zero vision on ending female genital mutilation?

    Does the EU have zero vision on ending female genital mutilation?

    [Brussels, 03 February 2012] Ahead of the International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), Amnesty International and the European Women’s Lobby challenged the European Union to lay out its vision and commitment for ending female genital mutilation and other forms of violence against women. Since 2010, when the European Commission committed to adopt a strategy on violence against women, including FGM, there has been no coherent, structured attempt to address this human (...) Read more

  • Let’s all commit to an age-friendly European Union by 2020!

    Let's all commit to an age-friendly European Union by 2020!

    [Brussels, 17 January 2012] On the eve of the launch of the European Year on Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations, the EY2012 Coalition presents its joint Manifesto and Road Map and urges all relevant actors at local, national and European level to seize the momentum of the European Year 2012 to commit to creating an age-friendly European Union that will allow everyone to live, learn, work and age with dignity.
    “The EY2012 for Active Ageing and Solidarity (...) Read more



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