EWL News

News typewritter Latest news from the European Women’s Lobby in Brussels

  • EWL at the last session of the FEMM Committee

    EWL at the last session of the FEMM Committee

    [2nd of April ] EWL was invited to attend the last session of the Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee of this mandate of the European Parliament.
    As part of this last session, four experts provided their insight into women’s role in peace processes and on how women’s participation in conflict prevention and resolution can improve outcomes before, during and after conflicts. All of them emphasised how important it is that women play an active role in peace processes: “women have to (...) Read more

  • Press release on informal EPSCO Council in Bucharest

    Press release on informal EPSCO Council in Bucharest

    [Brussels, 9 April] As the informal EPSCO Council meets in today and tomorrow in Bucharest, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) welcomes the priority given to women’s economic independence, boosting women’s labour market participation and addressing the gender pay gap to ensure better work-life balance. “The time has come for real systemic change and the forthcoming European elections is the moment for this”, stated Ms Gwendoline Lefebvre, EWL President. “Our campaign manifesto 50/50 Women for (...) Read more

  • RoundUP: Women Object! Ending stereotypes and hypersexualisation of women and girls

    RoundUP: Women Object! Ending stereotypes and hypersexualisation of women and girls

    [Brussels 29 March 2019] On 8 March 2019, EWL organised an evening hosted together with the City of Brussels and isala asbl to mark International Women’s Day, as part of Women’s Rights Week (Semaine des Droits des Femmes-SDDF) at the City Hall of Brussels.
    During the event you heard from local, national and international activists and researchers who explored the reality of the world in which these stereotypes exist (that in Europe, 7 women die every day from domestic violence, 9 million (...) Read more

  • Consultation on European Semester... at last?

    Following the publication of the 2019 European Semester Country Reports, some EWL members were invited to provide feedback to the Commission.
    EWL members from Croatia, Czechia, Greece, Hungary and Poland together with Joanna Maycock, our Secretary General, participated in a round table review with European Commission officials to provide their inputs to the 2019 European Semester Country Reports from a gender equality perspective. They were invited to provide specific feedback on the issue (...) Read more

  • The movement is stronger than ever: after the Strikes: what next?

    The movement is stronger than ever: after the Strikes: what next?

    Brussels, March 11, 2019 European Women’s Lobby staff and members have participated in and organised women’s International Women’s Day events throughout the EU, around Brussels and other major cities in Europe. We spoke, marched, and strike to get more women in the European Parliament, abolish the sexual exploitation of women, making the digital, social and physical sphere safe for women and girls, end objectification and realise equality and lots more. These vigils, demonstrations, (...) Read more

  • EWL on International Women’s Day 2019

    EWL on International Women's Day 2019

    [Brussels, 8 March 2019] It is March 8 and today is International Women’s Day! #IWD2019 Across Europe, our members are participating in varieties of exciting activities, and in Brussels, we are speaking, marching and striking to get more women in the European Parliament, abolish the sexual exploitation of women, making the digital, social and physical sphere safe for women and girls, end objectification and realise equality and lots more. However, for us at the European Women’s Lobby every (...) Read more

  • EWL and its members are ready for CSW63!

    EWL and its members are ready for CSW63!

    [Brussels, 1 March 2019] The sixty-third session of the Commission on the Status of Women will take place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 11 to 22 March 2019. The priority theme is ‘Social protection systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls’, and the review theme is ‘Women’s empowerment and the link to sustainable development’. As always, the EWL will attend with a delegation composed of our (...) Read more

  • EWL submits amendments to the CSW63 draft Conclusions

    EWL submits amendments to the CSW63 draft Conclusions

    [New York, 14 February 2011] The European Women’s Lobby is currently actively contributing to the debate on the draft conclusions of the UN 2019 Commission on the Status of Women conclusions. Please find below the EWL amendments to the conclusions on “Social protection systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls”.
    Draft presented by: Bureau of the Commission on the Status of Women, 30 January 2019.
    Commission on (...) Read more

  • EWL welcomes new full member from Iceland during Board Meeting in Vilnius

    EWL welcomes new full member from Iceland during Board Meeting in Vilnius

    [Brussels, 26 February 2019] EWL members and staff recently gathered in Vilnius, Lithuania, to join the European Institute for General Equality (EIGE) annual consultation meeting with civil society organisations and attend EWL’s bi-annual Board Meeting, where the Board of EWL voted to welcome the Icelandic Women’s Rights Association as a new member to EWL.
    The event with EIGE, now in its third edition, took place on 30 and 31 January. It brought together representatives from EWL, Social (...) Read more

  • Women Object! Ending stereotypes and hypersexualisation of women and girls

    Women Object! Ending stereotypes and hypersexualisation of women and girls

    [Brussels 21 February 2019] This year, on International Women’s Day, we organise an evening hosted together with the City of Brussels and isala asbl to mark International Women’s Day, 08 March 2018, as part of Women’s Rights Week (Semaine des Droits des Femmes-SDDF) at the City Hall of Brussels.
    We are honoured to welcome as special guest Gail Dines, Professor, Anti-Pornography Activist, Lecturer and Author
    Other speakers are:
    Catriona Graham, Policy & Campaigns Officer, European (...) Read more



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