European & International News

International news globe All the latest news from the European Union, its member states, and beyond.

  • Girl Summit 2014, to put an end to violence against Girls!

    Girl Summit 2014, to put an end to violence against Girls!

    (London, 22 July 2014) On 22 July, the UK government and UNICEF hosted the first Girl Summit, aimed at mobilising domestic and international efforts to end female genital mutilation (FGM) and forced marriage (CEFM) within a generation. To get concrete change, the girl Summit has launched a pledge for everyone to support. Watch the video “What does freedom mean to you?”, produced to support the Girl Summit.
    10 reasons to watch it! #Freedomls
    Child, early and forced marriage affects (...) Read more

  • Dear Mr. Juncker, Europe is ageing fast and strong political action is needed to secure a sustainable and fair future for all generations

    Dear Mr. Juncker, Europe is ageing fast and strong political action is needed to secure a sustainable and fair future for all generations

    [Brussels, 14 July 2014. Press release of AGE Platform Europe] Ahead of the election of the President of the European Commission tomorrow in Strasbourg, AGE Platform Europe calls on MEPs to check Mr. Juncker’s commitments to tackle positively population ageing. Demographic change, if addressed adequately by EU leaders, is a key opportunity to implement innovative solutions that will make Europe a better place to work and live and help the EU create new jobs and find sustainable solutions for (...) Read more

  • Study shows that laws act as barrier to young people getting sexual and reproductive health services

    Study shows that laws act as barrier to young people getting sexual and reproductive health services

    [Press release of IPPF, 9 July 2014] New research published today highlights how the law in different countries often restricts young people’s access to sexual and reproductive health services.
    A series of reports by the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and Coram Children’s Legal Centre (CCLC) also found that taboos and stigma related to young people’s sexuality are often made worse by restrictive laws.
    The series called ‘Over-protected and Under-served: A multi-country (...) Read more

  • Women in Power and Decision-making

    Women in Power and Decision-making

    [New York, 1 July, 2014] As part of UN Women’s Beijing+20 campaign, this month the focus is on Women in Power and Decision-making, one of the 12 critical areas of concern of the Beijing Platform for Action. UN Women spotlight women leaders and decision-makers who are ushering change for their societies.
    Women are often dynamic leaders of change, galvanizing women and men to get involved, claim their rights, strengthen their communities and protect their planet. Their participation is (...) Read more

  • Women and Guns: 2014 Small Arms Survey launched

    Women and Guns: 2014 Small Arms Survey launched

    [New York, 25 June 2014] The graduate institute Geneva launched the 2014 edition of its flagship publication "The Small Arms Survey 2014: Women and Guns", which considers the multiple roles of women in the context of armed violence, security, and the small arms agenda. The Small Arms Survey is produced annually by a team of researchers based in Geneva, Switzerland, and a worldwide network of local researchers. Policy-makers, diplomats, and non-governmental organizations have come to value (...) Read more

  • Help end child trafficking through better guardianship

    Help end child trafficking through better guardianship

    [Press release of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency, 30 June 2014] All across the EU, children without parental care risk falling victims of abuse or trafficking. Today, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) releases a handbook to strengthen national guardianship systems for children in Europe, as part of the EU’s anti-trafficking strategy which recognises the vital role guardians play in protecting children from harm.
    Download the handbook: Guardianship for children deprived of (...) Read more

  • Denmark becomes Europe’s leading country on legal gender recognition

    Denmark becomes Europe's leading country on legal gender recognition

    [Press release of EP Intergroup on LGBT rights, Brussels, 12 June 2014] Yesterday, the Danish Parliament voted a new regulation which will make it easier for transgender persons to see their preferred gender officially recognised.
    By adopting this law, Denmark has become the first European country to delete the ‘Gender Identity Disorder’ diagnosis as a necessary requirement in the gender recognition process.
    Other advances include the repeal of preconditions as compulsory sterilisation or (...) Read more

  • Global commitment to end sexual violence in conflict

    Global commitment to end sexual violence in conflict

    [Brussels, 18 June 2014] From 10 to 13 June, London hosted the Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict. The UK Foreign Secretary and Angelina Jolie, Special Envoy for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, co-chaired the Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict with a strong message: Sexual violence in conflict destroys lives and damages communities.
    This was the largest gathering ever brought together on the subject, with 1,700 delegates and 129 country delegations (...) Read more

  • Canada: New Prostitution Law begins to recognize the Harm in Prostitution

    Canada: New Prostitution Law begins to recognize the Harm in Prostitution

    [Press release of the Women’s Coalition for the Abolition of Prostitution, Ottawa, Ont., 4 June 2014] The Women’s Coalition for the Abolition of prostitution, A pan Canadian women’s-equality seeking coalition, is hopeful seeing the new law addresses the core harm of prostitution – the buying, the commodification and the pimping of women’s bodies. However, the coalition is critical that the law doesn’t fully address the compounding inequalities of gender, race and class of women in prostitution (...) Read more

  • 25 best policies nominated for Future Policy Award 2014

    25 best policies nominated for Future Policy Award 2014

    [Brussels, 19 June 2014] As we announced previously, the World Future Council has made its first selection for the “Future Policy Award 2014”, celebrating Innovative Policy Solutions for Ending Violence Against Women and Girls.
    NGOs, international organisations and experts around the world were invited to nominate best policies on ending violence against women and girls. Among the 25 nominations for policies and laws at international, regional, national and local levels, several are coming (...) Read more



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