European & International News

International news globe All the latest news from the European Union, its member states, and beyond.

  • European elections 2014: Committed to Promoting Solidarity between Generations

    European elections 2014: Committed to Promoting Solidarity between Generations

    [Joint Press release from AGE Platform Europe and MEP candidates from major European political parties, Brussels, 28 April 2014] AGE Platform Europe and MEP candidates from major European political parties take the opportunity of the European Day of Solidarity between Generations to commit to promoting greater solidarity and cooperation between generations during the next European Parliament’s mandate.
    According to the Eurostat 2012, in the European Union, the percentage of the population (...) Read more

  • Religious campaign to halt EU abortion funding ’lacks mercy’

    Religious campaign to halt EU abortion funding 'lacks mercy'

    [Article of Liz Ford, published in The Guardian, Stockholm, 28 April 2014] A religious-backed initiative to prevent EU aid money being spent on programmes that support abortion lacks compassion for women, the head of the International Planned Parenthood Federation has said.
    Tewodros Melesse said the One of Us campaign, launched with the backing of the Catholic church, failed to prioritise women’s rights and judged women for taking control of their bodies. "A woman doesn’t have an abortion (...) Read more

  • Council of Europe: Europe in biggest human rights crisis since Cold War

    Council of Europe: Europe in biggest human rights crisis since Cold War

    [Council of Europe, Strasbourg, 23 April 2014] "Europe faces the deepest democratic crises since the Cold War", says Thorbjørn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe in the first-ever comprehensive report on the state of democracy, human rights and the rule of law in Europe.
    "Human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Europe now face a crisis unprecedented since the end of the Cold War. Serious violations – including corruption, immunity from prosecution, impunity, human (...) Read more

  • O Canada! Will You Free Your Glorious Land of Prostitution?

    O Canada! Will You Free Your Glorious Land of Prostitution?

    [Taine Bien-Aime, Executive Director of the Coalition against Trafficking in Women (CATW), in The Huffington Post, 30 April 2014] A daughter of the First Nation Ojibwe, Bridget Perrier was born in Long Lake #58 in Northern Ontario. Given up by parents unable to care for her, Bridget was placed in a welcoming home with five other children. In that house, a family friend raped Bridget. Her behavior subsequently became so disruptive that a social worker counseled her foster family to send her (...) Read more

  • Global Parliamentarians mark twentieth anniversary of ICPD, key instrument for Women’s rigths

    Global Parliamentarians mark twentieth anniversary of ICPD, key instrument for Women's rigths

    [Brussels, 28 April 2014] The Sixth International Parliamentarians’ Conference on the Implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action (IPCI/ICPD) was held in Stockholm, Sweden on 23- 25 April 2014. More than 260 parliamentarians from 134 countries met to renew their commitment to the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) and to mark its 20th anniversary.
    The aim of this Conference was at contributing to the United Nations Secretary-General’s index report on (...) Read more

  • World Malaria Day 2014 – The time for accelerating investment is now

    World Malaria Day 2014 – The time for accelerating investment is now

    [DSW, 25 April 2014] DSW (Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevoelkerung) is an international development and advocacy organisation. 25 April was World Malaria Day. Here is an article published on DSW blog.
    World Malaria Day 2014 – The time for accelerating investment is now
    Marking World Malaria Day today, Caroline Kent, Director of Partnerships and Communications at DSW (Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevoelkerung), reflects on what needs to be done to eradicate malaria once and for all.
    Today we celebrate (...) Read more

  • Élections européennes 2014 : engagés à promouvoir la solidarité entre les générations

    Élections européennes 2014 : engagés à promouvoir la solidarité entre les générations

    [Communiqué de presse d’AGE Platform Europe et des eurodéputé-e-s candidat-e-s aux élections appartenant à de grands partis politiques européens, Bruxelles, le 28 avril 2014] AGE Platform Europe et des eurodéputé-e-s candidat-e-s aux élections appartenant à de grands partis politiques européens saisissent l’opportunité offerte par la Journée européenne de la solidarité entre les générations pour s’engager à promouvoir davantage de solidarité et de coopération entre les générations lors du prochain mandat du (...) Read more

  • Egypt: Stop Mutilating Little Girls!

    Egypt: Stop Mutilating Little Girls!

    [Article published in The Daily Beast, Cairo, 26 April 2014] It was supposed to be a routine “operation.” The parents of 13-year-old Soheir al-Batea, from a village in Egypt’s Nile Delta, took her to be circumcised at the local clinic that had been recommended by friends. They had done the same with her older sister a year before. A doctor typically cuts off the whole clitoris or a part of it, sometimes in extreme cases removing the labia as well, in a procedure that is now illegal but still (...) Read more

  • 10 ratifications reached: the Istanbul Convention will entry into force this summer!

    10 ratifications reached: the Istanbul Convention will entry into force this summer!

    [Brussels, 23 April 2014] Andorra became the 10th member state to ratify triggering the entry into force of the Istanbul Convention on 1 August 2014. In total three countries have recently ratified the Istanbul Convention on violence against women: Spain (on the 10/04/2014) and Andorra (on the 22/04/2014) and Denmark (on the 23/04/2014).
    This ratification marks is a huge step towards the end of violence against women and the promotion and protection of women’s human rights in Europe. Read (...) Read more

  • Turkish Women Use Twitter to Fight Sexual Harassment

    Turkish Women Use Twitter to Fight Sexual Harassment

    [Turkey, 18 April 2014] Thousands of Turkish women have taken part in a Twitter campaign to voice outrage at men who invade their space by spreading their legs while sitting next to them on buses and trains.
    “Stop spreading your legs. Don’t occupy my space,” reads the campaign slogan, which was started by the Istanbul Feminist Collective and reverberated on the social network as women shared their experiences that related to the violation of personal space on public transit.
    So many messages (...) Read more



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