European & International News

International news globe All the latest news from the European Union, its member states, and beyond.

  • New Oxfam report sheds light on women’s experience of in-work poverty across Europe

    New Oxfam report sheds light on women's experience of in-work poverty across Europe

    [Brussels, 7 November 2018] On the invitation of Oxfam Intermón, Mary Collins, EWL Secretariat, attended the study presentation “Raising their voices against precariousness. Women’s experience of in-work poverty in Europe” on 7 November 2018. The event was hosted by Tania González & Ernest Urtasun, Meps and listed as speakers Enrique Maruri, Director of Campaigns and Citizenship, and Ana María Claver Muñoz, Researcher and responsible of the study, from Oxfam Intermón. The report focuses on (...) Read more

  • Is your parliament doing enough to advance gender equality?

    Is your parliament doing enough to advance gender equality?

    [Brussels 22 June 2018] Less than a third of all parliamentarians in the European Union are women. With the current speed, it will take almost twenty years to achieve gender-balanced national parliaments. The European Institute for Gender Equality has a new online tool that gives ideas on needed changes. It helps to identify where parliaments stand on their way to gender equality and proposes steps for every parliament to improve. Check out the gender-sensitive parliaments tool (...) Read more

  • We stand #WithRefugees: World Refugee Day 2018

    We stand #WithRefugees: World Refugee Day 2018

    [Brussels, 20 June 2018] Today is UN World Refugee Day; a day to ‘commemorate the strength, courage and perseverance of millions of refugees’. When countries welcome refugees our culture becomes more diverse, we deepen our understanding of the world and our economy benefits. Yet, across Europe today, thousands of women, girls, boys and men are living in inhumane conditions and are at risk of trafficking, abuse and exploitation because our leaders are not respecting their fundamental basic (...) Read more

  • Sharing Europe festival

     Sharing Europe festival

    [Brussels, 15 May 2018] We are delighted to be Content Partners for the Sharing Europe festival, organised by the European Movement International and held in The Hague to mark the 70th anniversary of the 1948 Congress of Europe.
    Just as in 1948, Europe is at a crossroad, facing challenges of existential nature. 70 years ago Europeans from all sides of society and from across the political spectrum gathered at The Hague to work towards a united and democratic future for our continent. The (...) Read more

  • General Data Protection Regulation

    [Brussels, 24 May 2018] The European Women’s Lobby is committed to fully implement the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which comes into effect tomorrow, 25th May 2018.
    We are contacting you because you have signed up to receive our Newsletter and we want to ensure that you are still happy to receive this. Your email address was added to our Newsletter mailing list because you subscribed via our website. If you no longer wish to receive updates from us please click on the (...) Read more

  • Massive increase in homelessness in Europe especially among women, children and women/men from a migrant background

    Massive increase in homelessness in Europe especially among women, children and women/men from a migrant background

    [Brussels, 26 March 2018] The 2018 Third Overview report on Housing Exclusion in Europe, produced by FEANTSA (the European Network on Homelessness) and the Abbé Pierre Foundation, France, reveals that homelessness in Europe has increased by 150% in Germany, 145% in Ireland and almost 100% in Belgium.
    Women, children and women/men from a migrant background are particularly more vulnerable to housing exclusion and homelessness. While the majority of homeless are men, the proportion of women (...) Read more

  • Sign the petition! Rise up against violence!

    Sign the petition! Rise up against violence!

    [Brussels, 8 March 2018] EWL is part of the WeMove platorm that calls on EU Justice Ministers to "Make Europe a safe place for all women and girls! We are calling on you to urgently ratify and implement broadly the Council of Europe convention to fight violence against women. Women and girls across Europe want to live a life free from violence and fear. Act now to make sure that the European Union takes concrete action to protect all women and girls from violence and actively fights this (...) Read more

  • Diversity - Never enough!

    Diversity - Never enough!

    [Brussels 14 March 2018] The European Action Week Against Racism 2018 will take place from 17-25 March under the slogan "Diversity - never enough!". Every year, the platform UNITED coordinates this week-long Europe-wide campaign around 21 March to protest against all forms of racism and discrimination and to celebrate the diversity that enriches European societies.
    This week calls on everyone to celebrate the cultural diversity of Europe - while racist and right-wing forces feed on our (...) Read more

  • For a gender-responsive EU budget

    For a gender-responsive EU budget

    [Brussels, 14 March 2018] The European Women’s Lobby contributed to a paper written by NGOs that makes the case for a gender-responsive European Union (EU) planning and budgeting in the context of the preparation of the next EU Multiannual Financial Framework(MFF) post-2020.
    With the help of gender indicators and gender impact assessments, the EU could carry out a gender-responsive analysis of the current MFF and adjust expenditures in the next MFF. Together with increased and targeted (...) Read more

  • European Investment Bank goes #genderequal?

    European Investment Bank goes #genderequal?

    [Brussels, 7 February 2018] The time is now! On Monday we attended a civil society consulting meeting organised by the European Investment Bank.
    Gender inequality continues to persist in Europe and we have stopped progressing for 10 years, see the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) However there is a major momentum and a growing movement from #metoo to the women’s marches to online activism to women in boardrooms and parliaments, and even in banks! The European Investment Bank (...) Read more



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