European & International News

International news globe All the latest news from the European Union, its member states, and beyond.

  • MEPs call for binding targets to ensure equal representation

    MEPs call for binding targets to ensure equal representation

    [European Parliament, Brussels, 28 January 2011] A report aiming to address and tackle existing challenges related to achieving gender equality was on 27 January adopted by an overwhelming majority in the Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee. Equality between women and men has a positive effect on economic growth, said MEPs, pointing out that, according to several studies, GDP would increase by 30% if women’s employment, part-time employment and productivity rates were similar to men. (...) Read more

  • MEPs say achieving gender equality is a key element in eradicating poverty

    MEPs say achieving gender equality is a key element in eradicating poverty

    [European Parliament, Brussels, 28 January 2011] On 27 January, members of the Women’s Rights and Gender Equality committee adopted by overwhelming majority an own-initiative report aiming at reducing female poverty in the EU, as women face greater risk of poverty than men. To eradicate poverty, a gender specific perspective should be adopted in all common policies. In addition, Commission and Member States should take necessary measures to eliminate gender inequalities in employment as part (...) Read more

  • New UN Women head presents 100-day Action Plan

    New UN Women head presents 100-day Action Plan

    [UN News Centre, New York, 24 January 2011] The head of the new United Nations agency promoting women’s rights and full participation in global affairs laid out a 100-day action plan today, embracing a full spectrum of issues from supporting national partners to promoting coherence within the UN system.
    “Women’s strength, women’s industry, women’s wisdom are humankind’s greatest untapped resource,” the Executive Director of UN Women, Michelle Bachelet, a former president of Chile, told the first (...) Read more

  • Bachelet statement to UN WOMEN Executive Board

    Bachelet statement to UN WOMEN Executive Board

    [Brussels, 26 January 2011] During the first UN Women Executive Board meeting on Monday 24 January 2011, Michelle Bachelet, Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director, unveiled her vision and 100-day action plan for the organization. Read an exerpt of her speech below.
    Statement to the First Regular Session of the Executive Board, United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
    UN Women’s vision is one where men and women have equal opportunities and capacities (...) Read more

  • Sexually abused children getting younger, says UK charity

    Sexually abused children getting younger, says UK charity

    LONDON, Jan. 17 (UPI) — The ages of sexually abused children are falling while the trafficking of British children for sexual exploitation is increasing, a British charity said.
    The average age for victims of sexual child abuse has dropped from 15 to 13 in five years, The Guardian reported.
    "Wherever we have looked for exploitation, we have found it. But the real tragedy is we believe this is just the tip of the iceberg," said Anne Marie Carrie, chief executive of Barnardo, the largest (...) Read more

  • European Parliament FEMM Committee issues draft report on female poverty in the EU

    European Parliament FEMM Committee issues draft report on female poverty in the EU

    [Brussels, 24 January 2011] The European Parliament’s Committee on Women’s Rights & Gender Equality (FEMM Committee) has released its draft report on ’The Face of Female Poverty in the EU’.
    79 million Europeans live below the poverty line and 17% of all women in the EU’s 27 countries are classed as living in poverty. The Motion for a European Parliament Resolution on the face of female poverty in the EU, drafted by MEP Rovana Plumb (S&D, RO) and discussed during the 29 November FEMM (...) Read more

  • Women in high places: The EU’s diplomatic (gender) balancing act

    Women in high places: The EU's diplomatic (gender) balancing act

    [Brussels, 19 January 2011] Women in International Security (WIIS) today issued a Press Release calling for more gender balance in the new European External Action Service, an issue the EWL has consistently raised with Catherine Ashton, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.
    WIIS Press Release
    Baroness Ashton’s EEAS nominations this month must right the EU’s foreign service gender balance The European External Action Service was finally (...) Read more

  • AIDS-Free World criticises U.N. chief for leaving women out of year-end summing up

    AIDS-Free World criticises U.N. chief for leaving women out of year-end summing up

    By Thalif Deen, Inter Press Service
    [UNITED NATIONS, Jan 5, 2011 (IPS)] When Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon wrote a year-end op-ed piece for an Australian newspaper last week, he talked about the future of a world body facing a new generation of threats: climate change, poverty, nuclear disarmament and human rights.
    But, wittingly or unwittingly, he left out one of the biggest political success stories of the world body: the creation of a separate body, UN Women, to promote gender (...) Read more

  • Women call on the Security Council to include United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 Mandates in all Resolutions related to Women and Peace and Security

    Women call on the Security Council to include United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 Mandates in all Resolutions related to Women and Peace and Security

    [Global Network of Women Peacebuilders, 11 January 2010] An open letter to members of the Security Council calling for maintaining the mandates of United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 on Women and Peace and Security in all subsequent resolutions on women, especially those calling for the prevention of sexual abuse and rape, was issued yesterday by more than 65 organizations and women from around the world.
    The concern that motivated the letter was due to the lack of (...) Read more

  • New figures from Ireland show gendered and structural nature of sexual violence

    New figures from Ireland show gendered and structural nature of sexual violence

    According to statistics on sexual violence released by the Rape Crisis Network Ireland: 85.2% of all victims are female. 95.7% of perpetrators are male. The majority (60.7%) of sexual violence victims are children. 30.4% experience sexual violence as adults only and a further 8.9% suffer violence as both children and adults. For women, the risk of sexual violence does not decrease as much as for men with age. 84% of male victims experience sexual violence as children only. For females, (...) Read more



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