Members News

  • WILPF call on European governments to de-escalate conflict in Ukraine

    WILPF call on European governments to de-escalate conflict in Ukraine

    All European governments, the OSCE and the the EU must invest in dialogue and peace through support to women’s organizations and networks of peacebuilders and human rights defenders in the region.
    [January 2022] We, European sections and groups of WILPF, are the oldest global women’s peace organisation. Together with other civil society organizations of feminist peacebuilders and human rights defenders in the OSCE region, we are very concerned about the insufficient role of Europe and (...) Read more

  • EXIT Prostitution | Documentary: “Consent is not for sale”

    The documentary “Consent is not for sale” was developed as part of the project EXIT: Women’s Human Rights not to be prostituted, promoted by thePortuguese Platform for Women’s Rights (PpDM), EWL’s national coordination. The documentary brings to the forefront of the debate a grave violation of human rights that disproportionately affects the most vulnerable women and girls and has been widely ignored and tolerated by the Portuguese society: the exploitation of women in the system of (...) Read more

  • Far-right organisations attack feminist peace activists in Serbia

    Far-right organisations attack feminist peace activists in Serbia

    [Belgrade, 10 December 2021] On International Human Rights Day, we share an article by the Serbian Network for the European Women’s Lobby on the attacks that human rights defenders face in the country.
    On 9 November 2021, the International Day against Fascism and Anti-Semitism, the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia banned peace activists from the Youth Initiative for Human Rights from holding a public gathering aimed at removing the mural of a convicted war criminal, military (...) Read more

  • Fim à violência masculina contra as mulheres: 16 reivindicações, 16 dias de ativismo

    Fim à violência masculina contra as mulheres: 16 reivindicações, 16 dias de ativismo

    [Brussels, 29 November 2021]Em 2021, celebrando 30 anos da iniciativa dos 16 dias de ativismo pelo fim da violência masculina contra as mulheres e raparigas, queremos: Honrar os movimentos de mulheres e celebrar os 30 anos da sua liderança nos 16 dias de ativismo pelo fim da violência masculina contra as mulheres e as raparigas. Não deixar nenhuma mulher e rapariga para trás: assegurar direitos humanos, pondo fim ao continuum da violência masculina contra as mulheres e raparigas: femicídio, (...) Read more

  • De Viva Voz

    De Viva Voz

    The Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights is implementing the “De Viva Voz” project in partnership with the Centre Philosophy and Gender of SPF – Portuguese Society of Philosophy, CEMRI - Centre for The Study of Migration and Intercultural Relations of the Open University and Praxis – Centre of Philosophy, Politics and Culture from the University of Évora. “De Viva Voz” aims at creating an online public space of thought-provoking discussions, from a critical feminist perspective, where prominent (...) Read more

  • EWL writes to Slovakian Government on abortion with 109 partners

    Members of the National Council of the Slovak Republic Námestie Alexandra Dubčeka 1 812 80 Bratislava 1 22 October 2021
    Dear Members of the National Council of the Slovak Republic,
    We are writing on behalf of 110 organizations to express our deep concern regarding current threats to women’s health and reproductive rights in Slovakia.
    At this time Parliament is debating draft legislation that, if adopted, would impose new barriers to accessing lawful abortion care, harming women’s health and (...) Read more

  • Sharing Feminist Dreams

    Sharing Feminist Dreams

    What does it take to make a group of 45 feminists happy? Well, gathering them and giving them the chance to speak their mind is the first step.
    That is exactly what the Community Safety and Mediation Center Foundation (CMSC) did in partnership with Romanian Women’s Lobby Association (RoWL), Hedda Association, Bulgarian Platform of European Women’s Lobby, The Network of East-West Women (NEWW), and the Hungarian Women’s Lobby whose members unfortunately could not join in person.
    The NGO (...) Read more

  • The European campaign against sexism was relaunched in Portugal on the International Day of the Girl Child

    The European campaign against sexism was relaunched in Portugal on the International Day of the Girl Child

    The original Portuguese version of this article was published here
    11 October 2021
    The Council of Europe (CoE) campaign Sexism: See it. Name it. Stop it. aims at raising awareness about and to promote the implementation of the Recommendation of the Council of Europe Rec (2019)1: Preventing and combating sexism, by displaying the prevalence of sexism and its current manifestations and by pointing out ways of addressing this problem in different contexts and organizations.
    The Portuguese (...) Read more

  • BPW (Business and Professional Women) Europe ask to support the Afghanistan women

    BPW (Business and Professional Women) Europe ask to support the Afghanistan women

    Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission Véra Jourova, Vice-President of the European Commission Helena Dalli, Commissioner for Equality European Commission David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament
    25 August 2021
    With regard to the terrible situation occurring in Afghanistan, eighteen thousand women of BPW Europe express their strong support for all Afghan women, mothers, girls and children. The Taliban people demonstrated, in all these years, a total disregard (...) Read more

  • "CEDAW today" - lecture series hosted by LEM España

    "CEDAW today" - lecture series hosted by LEM España

    EWL national coordination for Spain, LEM España, is hosting a series of lectures on CEDAW titled "CEDAW today."
    All sessions will be on Mondays, at 18:00 (CEST, Spanish time) and through Zoom (previous registration is requested). This project has been funded thanks to EWL’s Membership and Activities Support Fund. All sessions will be moderated by de LEM España General Secretary Teresa Nevado.
    The first session took place on 13th September with Alda Facio an internationally renowned jurist. (...) Read more



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