Members News

  • The Irish Observatory on Violence Against Women and Girls’ letter to Taoiseach Martin

    The Irish Observatory on Violence Against Women and Girls' letter to Taoiseach Martin

    Dear Taoiseach Martin,
    Re: Turkeys Withdrawal from the Council of Europe Convention Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence
    The Irish Observatory on Violence Against Women and Girls condemns the decision of the President of Turkey to pull his country out of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention) and considers it a devastating signal to women and girls in Turkey and across (...) Read more

  • IWRA condemns Turkey’s decision to withdraw from the Istanbul Convention

    IWRA condemns Turkey's decision to withdraw from the Istanbul Convention

    The Icelandic Women’s Rights Association condemns Turkey’s decision to withdraw from the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, also known as the Istanbul Convention.
    Turkey’s withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention is not only an attack on women, but also on LGBTQ+ people, minority groups and people in a vulnerable position. Turkey’s actions set back and prevent the progress to full equality, not only within their borders but in (...) Read more

  • ETUC statement in response to Turkey’s withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention

    ETUC statement in response to Turkey's withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention

    The European Trade Union Confederation condemns the decision of the President of Turkey to pull his country out of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention) and considers it a devastating signal to women and girls in Turkey and across the world. The ETUC urges the Turkish Government to reconsider this action and to reaffirm its international commitment to protect the human rights of women and girls and all (...) Read more

  • Withdrawal from Istanbul Convention must have consequences

    Withdrawal from Istanbul Convention must have consequences

    [Berlin, 22 March 2021] The National Council of German Women’s Organizations (Deutscher Frauenrat, DF) condemns Turkey’s withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention and demands consequences for German and EU-Turkish relations. At today’s Council meeting, the EU Foreign Ministers will discuss the current developments together with the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell.
    The Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence (...) Read more

  • Soroptimists in Europe says NO to Turkey’s withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention

    Soroptimists in Europe says NO to Turkey's withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention

    [Brussels, 22 March 2021] As the President of Soroptimist International of Europe, the 33,000 network of professional women, I say a strong NO to the Turkish government annulling the ratified Istanbul Convention. Human rights are women’s rights, violations of any kind should always be adamantly opposed and punished.
    Women’s rights groups in Turkey and around world are raising their voices against the presidential decree withdrawing from the Convention. The women of Turkey will no longer be (...) Read more

  • The State does not recognise women’s right to a life without violence!

    The State does not recognise women's right to a life without violence!

    There is no single day that women are not murdered; no single day that we are not subjected to violence! While we have been expecting the state to take steps for preventing these murders and violence and punishing the murderers, the decision to withdraw from Istanbul Convention, published in the Official Gazette in midnight on March 19, 2021 torments our lives. By its decision to withdraw from the Istanbul Convention, Turkey’s state government announces that it is giving up protecting women (...) Read more

  • Portugal warns at the UN of the shadow pandemic of violence against women

    The Portuguese Secretary of State for Citizenship and Equality warned today, during the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), that violence against women "has emerged as a shadow pandemic".
    This article was originally published in Notícias ao Minuto.
    "Violence against women and girls has emerged as a shadow pandemic," Rosa Monteiro said in a virtual CSW side event co-organized by the Portuguese presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU), European Commission and (...) Read more

  • Unpaid care work cannot be invisible

    Experts from across the European Union concluded in an event co-organized by Portugal within the scope of the United Nations, that the provision of care, occupying millions of women full time, cannot continue to be invisible and unpaid.
    This article was originally published in Notícias ao Minuto.
    "In order to have a fair economic recovery, we have to make unpaid care work visible. We cannot continue to depend on the free work of women to power this invisible part of the economy", (...) Read more

  • International Women’s Day 2021: A Statement from the Women’s Network of Croatia

    International Women's Day 2021: A Statement from the Women's Network of Croatia

    On the occasion of the International Women’s Day, the Women’s Network of Croatia reminds that the Government of the Republic of Croatia still does not have a National Strategy for Gender Equality. This affects all areas of life and results in discrimination and worsening of the position of women. Thus, today we are faced with a steady increase in reports of domestic violence and the deteriorating economic situation of women.
    Last week, the government rejected a proposal to introduce the (...) Read more

  • International Women’s Day 2021: A Statement from the Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights

    International Women's Day 2021: A Statement from the Portuguese Platform for Women's Rights

    The full statement is available in Portuguese here.
    The past year that has been, and continues to be, filled with obstacles and challenges to our peaceful and full coexistence, marked by the struggles of each one of us, our families and our communities. These new circumstances require constant adaptation, which is expected to be needed in the near future as well.
    On International Women’s Day, March 8, and every day of each year, we ask ourselves what are our concerns?
    • Male violence (...) Read more



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