EWL News

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  • ’Movements, Borders, Rights’ 170 feminist activists gather in Brussels

    'Movements, Borders, Rights' 170 feminist activists gather in Brussels

    [Brussels 16 December 2016] "Feminism must be more political in confronting the current multiple crises". This is the key message of the international conference “Movements, Borders, Rights? Feminist Perspectives on Global Issues in Europe” which took place in Brussels 24-25 October 2016. The Conference was organised by Women In Development Europe+ (WIDE+)
    One disturbing aspect of the current European situation is a rise of authoritarianism, right-wing populism and racism that is usually (...) Read more

  • Join EWL at "Last girl first" in India! 2nd World Congress against the sexual exploitation of women and girls

    Join EWL at "Last girl first" in India! 2nd World Congress against the sexual exploitation of women and girls

    [Brussels, 8 December 2016] In January 2017, the European Women’s Lobby will be in India! We will participate to the [2nd World Congress against the sexual exploitation of women and girls->http://lastgirlfirst.strikingly.com, organised by CAP International and its Indian member organisation, Apne Aap. We will also co-host a workshop on Youth movements for the abolition of prostitution.
    Entitled "Last girl first", the Congress will take place in New Delhi, from 29 January to 31 January 2017. (...) Read more

  • Factsheet - EU ratification of the Istanbul Convention: A vital opportunity to end violence against women and girls

    Factsheet - EU ratification of the Istanbul Convention: A vital opportunity to end violence against women and girls

    [Brussels,10 November 2016] The European Coalition to end violence against women and girls has launched a factsheet in support of the EU signature and ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, the Istanbul Convention.
    More than 25 European civil society networks (see full list below) have joined forces in this European Coalition to End violence against women and girls (VAWG), convened by the European Women’s (...) Read more

  • Donate now! Support our Glass Ceiling Emergency Fund

    Donate now! Support our Glass Ceiling Emergency Fund

    [Brussels 23 November 2016] 2 weeks ago, the US was on the verge of shattering the world’s largest glass ceiling with the election of it’s first female President. Instead, an openly misogynistic and racist white man was elected, threatening to halt and reverse women’s rights nationally and globally.
    The US now joins Britain and a growing number of European countries in embracing and promoting dangerous alt-right nationalism. Women’s rights are under threat. Our very lives are at risk.
    The (...) Read more

  • HERstory: Launch of Ad Venture Student Competition

    HERstory: Launch of Ad Venture Student Competition

    [Brussels, 10 November 2016] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is happy to be partnering with the European Association of Communications Agencies (EACA) and its European Institute for Commercial Communications Education (edcom) for the launch of a call for entries for the tenth annual advertising student competition, Ad Venture.
    Students in the field of commercial communications are challenged to create a campaign which uses the Herstory of women’s rights as well as the positive past steps (...) Read more

  • St Nicolette X FemTALK Celebrating feminisms through the arts

    St Nicolette X FemTALK Celebrating feminisms through the arts

    [Brussels 9 November 2016] Keep your calendars free! 7 December 2016! Since 2011, we have been celebrating St Nicolette as a way of looking back on the successes and achievements of the women’s movement. This year, in collaboration with the City of Brussels Egalité des Chances, we seek to combine this exciting event with FEMtalks.
    This festive evening will consist of showcasing feminist art across Europe. Expect emerging and established artists and/or activists who push the boundaries of (...) Read more

  • Women of Europe Awards 2016

    Women of Europe Awards 2016

    [Brussels 9 November 2016] Tired of hearing about the founding FATHERS of Europe? We are very happy to announce the launch of the Women of Europe Awards 2016, a new initiative by the European Movement International A Jury composed of high-level stakeholders from the cultural, social, media and political sectors and the members of the European Movement International and the European Women’s Lobby will choose the two award receivers.
    The composition of the jury is as follows: Anna (...) Read more

  • Racist, homophobic, sexist remarks: NGOs call on Commissioner Öttinger to resign

    Racist, homophobic, sexist remarks: NGOs call on Commissioner Öttinger to resign

    [Brussels 8 November 2016] In an Open Letter to the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and the President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz, European NGOs European Women’s Lobby, ILGA-Europe.
    That is why EWL, ILGA-Europe and ENAR call on Commissioner Öttinger to resign with immediate effect.
    Furthermore we call on both Presidents to: Issue an official statement of condemnation by the European Commission, acknowledging the damage done by this type of statement (...) Read more

  • Refugee #womensvoices are on the political agenda in Lisbon, Vienna, Brussels and Rome

    Refugee #womensvoices are on the political agenda in Lisbon, Vienna, Brussels and Rome

    [Brussels, 7 November 2016] After the summer break, October brought the voices of refugee women and girls back on the political agenda. The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) project From conflict to peace? continues to be visible thanks to the commitment and action of EWL members across Europe. We expect that EU and national decision-makers will hear refugee #womensvoices and take action to end the violations of their human rights throughout Europe and beyond.
    On 14 October, the Portuguese (...) Read more

  • CSW61: Promote the human rights of female migrant and domestic workers!

    CSW61: Promote the human rights of female migrant and domestic workers!

    [Brussels, 25 October 2016] Every year, United Nations countries meet in New York in March to discuss the progress towards the realisation of women’s human rights. The theme of the upcoming session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW61) is "women’s economic empowerment in the changing world of work". In a written statement ahead of the meeting, we emphasise the urgent need for UN Member States to ensure human rights and decent working conditions for female domestic workers all (...) Read more


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EWL event "Progress towards a Europe free from all forms of male violence" to mark the 10th aniversary of the Istanbul Convention, 12 May 2021.

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