EWL News

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  • EWL calls for approval of proposed directive on women on non-executive boards

    EWL calls for approval of proposed directive on women on non-executive boards

    [Brussels, 20 June 2014] On 19 and 20 June, the European Commission draft directive on women on non-executive boards, which was also strongly supported and adopted by the European Parliament in November 2013 will be debated at the Employment and Social Policies Council. The Greek Council Presidency is expected to report about the current state of play with regards to the different views of the national states on this directive.
    The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is concerned that the (...) Read more

  • ’EU must urgently strengthen efforts to guarantee the equal rights and equal treatment of Migrant Domestic Workers by ratifying ILO Convention 189’

    'EU must urgently strengthen efforts to guarantee the equal rights and equal treatment of Migrant Domestic Workers by ratifying ILO Convention 189'

    [Article by ENoMW, 16 June, 2014] On the occasion of International Day of Domestic Workers, the European Network of Migrant Women [ENoMW] draws the attention of the European Union institutions and all national and European stakeholders to the situation and treatment of Domestic Workers within the European Union member states, as well as their contribution to European society.
    All organisations endorsing this statement call for each and every European Union member state to follow Italy and (...) Read more

  • Ireland - Gender balance should have been priority for the banking inquiry from the outset

    Ireland - Gender balance should have been priority for the banking inquiry from the outset

    [Dublin, 12 June 2014] National Women’s Council of Ireland has today raised concerns regarding the lack of gender balance on the banking inquiry, prompting questions about the commitment to gender equality in politics.
    Louise Glennon, Women in Politics and Decision Making Officer said, “We are constantly hearing assurances that there is a commitment in politics to gender equality, and to having women at the table where economic and political decisions are made. Yet while we are still (...) Read more

  • Gender equality making slow progress within the European Union

    Gender equality making slow progress within the European Union

    [Brussels, 12 July 2014] The European Commission (EC) released their annual study on the progress of gender equality within the 28 European Union Member States on April 14th, 2014. The study is based on the five priority areas outlined in the Commission’s Strategy for equality between women and men in 2010-2015; equal economic independence; equal pay for equal work and work of equal value; equality in decision-making; dignity, integrity and ending gender-based violence and gender equality in (...) Read more

  • Europe’s small steps towards 50/50

    Europe's small steps towards 50/50

    [Brussels, 4 June 2014] One week after the European Parliament elections, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) and its members has been analysing the election results with regards to the representation of elected women elected to the European Parliament. The percentage of women in the EP, the only directly elected institution of the European Union (EU), stands at almost 37%, this is an increase of 1,75% in comparison to the European elections in 2009.
    EWL Secretary General, Joanna Maycock, (...) Read more

  • NGOs give their opinion on EU2020 growth Strategy to the European Economic and Social Committee

    NGOs give their opinion on EU2020 growth Strategy to the European Economic and Social Committee

    [Brussels, 6 June 2014] In terms of better engaging with civil society organisations, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) established Liaison Group to better involve the civil society and interact with organisations and networks for political dialogue. The Liaison Group is set to ensure that the EESC has a coordinated approach towards the civil organisations and networks, as well as to monitor joint initiatives.
    The European Women’s Lobby (EWL), as member of the civil society (...) Read more

  • Development and women’s rights groups welcome European Commission’s rejection of “One of Us”

    Development and women's rights groups welcome European Commission's rejection of “One of Us”

    [Joint press release, Brussels, 28 May 2014] The undersigned civil society organisations welcome the European Commission’s decision announced today to take no further action on the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) “One of Us”.
    The “One of Us” initiative could have had catastrophic consequences for maternal and global health in low- and middle income countries. In standing firmly against it, the Commission has reaffirmed its support for, and international commitments to, maternal health, (...) Read more

  • Joanna Maycock, feminist anti-poverty activist leads European Women’s Lobby

    Joanna Maycock, feminist anti-poverty activist leads European Women's Lobby

    The European Women’s Lobby is delighted to welcome Joanna Maycock this week in her position as Secretary General.
    Development world
    Joanna succeeds Pierrette Pape, who has successfully undertaken the role as acting coordinator since February. Pierrette will continue as EWL Policy Officer and Project Coordinator working on violence against women, sexual rights and prostitution and leading the work of the EWL at United Nations level.
    Joanna Maycock has 20 years’ professional experience in (...) Read more

  • Countdown towards the European elections: are the European political parties committed to gender equality?

    Countdown towards the European elections: are the European political parties committed to gender equality?

    [Brussels, 19 May 2014] This week, EU Citizens have the right to vote in the European elections. The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) has done some analysis of the manifestos of the main European political parties from a gender perspective. The EWL Gender Audit assesses the parties’ commitment to gender equality and how their manifestos compare with the EWL’s own manifesto for the elections.
    The EWL Manifesto "Act now for her future, commit to gender equality!" makes three general demands: a (...) Read more

  • Persisting sex discrimination in access to goods and services, says the EWL and its members

    Persisting sex discrimination in access to goods and services, says the EWL and its members

    [Brussels, 21 May 2014] Today, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) has sent to the European Commission its evaluation of the implementation of the Directive 2004/113, implementing the principle of equal treatment between women and men in the access to and supply of goods and services. Adopted in 2004, this Directive is instrumental for the achievement of gender equality, as it prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex/gender in access to goods and services. For example, the Directive (...) Read more


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EWL event "Progress towards a Europe free from all forms of male violence" to mark the 10th aniversary of the Istanbul Convention, 12 May 2021.

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