European & International News

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  • Statement by UN Women Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka on the outcome of the 58th session of the Commission on the Status of Women

    Statement by UN Women Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka on the outcome of the 58th session of the Commission on the Status of Women

    [Statement of UN Women, New York, 22 March 2014] UN Women welcomes the outcome of the 58th session of the Commission on the Status of Women. The agreement represents a milestone towards a transformative global development agenda that puts the empowerment of women and girls at its centre. Member States have stressed that while the Millennium Development Goals have advanced progress in many areas, they remain unfinished business as long as gender inequality persists.
    The clear analysis of (...) Read more

  • The future of pensions in Europe: EWL stresses that the gender pension gap of 39% has to be addressed as women have been taken for granted

     The future of pensions in Europe: EWL stresses that the gender pension gap of 39% has to be addressed as women have been taken for granted

    [Brussels, 28 March 2014] The European Commission conference on the Future of Pensions in Europe – Taking stock and looking ahead two years after the White Paper gathered up to 300 participants for a one-day conference on 25 March in Brussels. The EWL took part in the panel on What pensions for future generations of Europeans? , at which it stressed the absolute necessity to address the gender dimension in future pension systems and to strengthen the first pillar statutory state pensions. (...) Read more

  • Coalition des femmes pour l’abolition de la prostitution : "Les femmes ne sont pas à vendre"

    Coalition des femmes pour l'abolition de la prostitution : "Les femmes ne sont pas à vendre"

    [Communiqué de presse de la Coalition des femmes pour l’abolition de la prostitution et ses allié-e-s, Ottawa, 24 mars 2014] En décembre 2013, la Cour suprême du Canada a jugé inconstitutionnelles certaines portions des lois criminelles concernant les bordels et les agences d’escortes (maisons de débauche), la prostitution de rue (communication) et le proxénétisme (vivre des fruits de la prostitution) et a maintenu que la déclaration de l’invalidité devait être suspendue pendant 12 mois afin de donner (...) Read more

  • ’Happy Voting’ Project Encourages Young Europeans to Vote!

    'Happy Voting' Project Encourages Young Europeans to Vote!

    [Press Release of the European Youth Forum, 28 March, 2014] #HappyVoting video release aims to get young people voting in May! - Through pop-culture, the video aims to raise voter awareness and get young people excited and involved in the European Elections in May by using their two favourite channels: entertainment and the internet.
    Supported by the League of Young Voters and produced by a professional production studio, the campaign is based on Pharrell William’s ‘Happy Formula’, which (...) Read more

  • World Autism Awareness Day on April 2 - EWL, Autism-Europe and European Disability Forum call for equality rights for women with autism

    World Autism Awareness Day on April 2 - EWL, Autism-Europe and European Disability Forum call for equality rights for women with autism

    [Brussels, Article by Autism-Europe, 28 March 2014] In the lead-up to World Autism Awareness Day on April 2, a group of women with autism from across Europe came to the European Parliament to explain the challenges they face to their representatives.”We are invisible.” That’s how Maria, a young woman from Spain who has autism, sums-up the situation of women with autism in Europe.
    Maria is one of a group of women who came to Brussels on March 19 to talk with their representatives in the (...) Read more

  • European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights Paper on criminalisation of irregular migrants

    European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights Paper on criminalisation of irregular migrants

    [Brussels, 27 March 2014] A new paper by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) examines measures in EU Member States to counter irregular migration and their compatibility with fundamental rights. The paper is part of FRA’s ongoing work in the area of asylum and migration, and is also a contribution to the current discussions about modifying EU legislation on assisting unauthorised entry. This is an important aspect of the European Commission’s ’Task Force Mediterranean’, (...) Read more

  • La campagne française « Stop au Déni » bat sont plein

    La campagne française « Stop au Déni » bat sont plein

    [Bruxelles, 27 mars 2014] La Campagne française Stop au Déni, lancée lors du week-end du 8/9 mars 2014 pour que les victimes de violences sexuelles soit mieux prises en charge, bat son plein.
    La Campagne "Stop au Déni" a été initiée par l’association Mémoire Traumatique et Victimologie a l’occasion de la Journée Internationale des Droits des Femmes (8/9 mars 2014).
    Elle a pour objectif de sensibiliser le grand public au déni, à la culpabilisation et à la maltraitance auxquels se heurtent les (...) Read more

  • European Union - Mexico Civil Society Seminar on Human Rights

    European Union - Mexico Civil Society Seminar on Human Rights

    [Brussels, 17 March 2014] In the framework of the bilateral Human Rights Dialogue between the European Union and Mexico which took place in the 18th of March, the European Women’s Lobby took part in a very fruitful Seminar of Civil Society Organisations from Mexico and the EU. This meeting was a unique opportunity to promote the exchange of information and good practices among CSOs from both regions on topics covered in the Human Rights Dialogue: violence against women; human rights (...) Read more

  • UK Parliamentary report calls for the Nordic model on prostitution

    UK Parliamentary report calls for the Nordic model on prostitution

    [Brussels, 18 March 2014] On 3 March 2014, the UK All-Party Parliamentary on Prostitution and the Global Sex Trade issued a report on prostitution in the UK, entitled "Shifting the burden", and calling for criminalisation of the purchase of sex and demanding an end to the criminalisation of women in prostitution (solicitating).
    The report is the outcome of a year-long inquiry into prostitution, which gathered more than 400 written and oral submissions of evidence. The European Women’s Lobby (...) Read more

  • Progress towards gender equality: the Council of Europe strategy for 2014-2017

    Progress towards gender equality: the Council of Europe strategy for 2014-2017

    [Brussels, 12 March 2014] The Council of Europe has recently adopted a Gender Equality Strategy for the period 2014-2017.
    The overall goal of the Strategy is to achieve the advancement and empowering of women and the effective realisation of gender equality in Council of Europe member states.
    The Strategy sets five strategic objectives: Combating gender stereotypes and sexism; Preventing and combating violence against women; Guaranteeing Equal Access of Women to Justice; Achieving (...) Read more



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