European & International News

International news globe All the latest news from the European Union, its member states, and beyond.

  • European Week of Action for Girls

    European Week of Action for Girls

    [Brussels, 11 October 2012] This week, 08-12 October 2012, is the European Week of Action for Girls. Throughout the week various events and activities, focusing on girls’ rights, have been organised to celebrate the first ever International Day of the Girl Child on 11 October 2012.
    Girls face multiple challenges in realising their rights. They are more likely to be forced out of school, to be subject to violence and have their sexual rights controlled by others. They may be forced into (...) Read more

  • EU must promote ‘political and economic empowerment of girls’, say MEPs

    EU must promote ‘political and economic empowerment of girls', say MEPs

    [Parliament Magazine, Brussels, 11 October 2012] MEPs Edite Estrela, Veronique Mathieu, Jean Lambert and the EU’s new special representative for human rights Stavros Lambrinidis have called on the EU to recognise the importance of defending the rights of the girl child.
    The event, held on the international day of the girl on Thursday, looked to "promote the political and economic empowerment of girls", said Lambrinidis, who took up his position in July of this year.
    The Greek official, (...) Read more

  • UN Joint International Day of the Girl Child 2012 Statement focuses on forced marriage

    UN Joint International Day of the Girl Child 2012 Statement focuses on forced marriage

    [New York, 11 October 2012] October 11 marks the inaugural International Day of the Girl Child. This day focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face, promote their empowerment and fulfil their human rights.
    This year we have come together to focus on child marriage.
    Child marriage is a violation of human rights, and it is prevalent in several regions of the world, particularly in rural areas and among the most disadvantaged communities. Globally, around 1 in 3 (or (...) Read more

  • MEPs dicuss violence against women and women’s rights in transition processes

    MEPs dicuss violence against women and women's rights in transition processes

    [Brussels, 10 October 2012] Two committees of the European Parliament joined forces to address crucial issues of violence against women and women’s rights in transition processes, on 09 October 2012 in Brussels. The Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) and the Subcommittee on Human Rights (DROI) organised a joint session to share knowledge and strategies in order to promote women’s rights in and outside Europe.
    Invitation of Rashida Manjoo, UN Special Rapporteur On Violence (...) Read more

  • First clinic to offer abortion opens in Northen Ireland

    First clinic to offer abortion opens in Northen Ireland

    [The Irish Times, Belfast, 10 October 2012] The first sexual and reproductive health centre to offer abortion services on the island of Ireland will open in Belfast next Thursday.
    Marie Stopes Northern Ireland, based in purpose-built city centre premises on Great Victoria Street, will offer contraceptive options, HIV testing, STI testing and treatment, ultrasound scanning, and medical abortion up to nine weeks gestation.
    Anyone over the age of 16 can access the centre, including people (...) Read more

  • Time for the European institutions to take gender equality on board

    Time for the European institutions to take gender equality on board

    [Brussels, 03 October 2012] The highest level of European monetary decision-making is 100% male. Now, as a place on the ECB’s Executive Board stands open, no single female candidate has been considered for the post. The EWL has long called for the inclusion of women at all levels of decision-making. This time, the call is being echoed by other stakeholders, notably Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), and the hearing of Yves Mersch for the position has been postponed.
    Sharon Bowles, (...) Read more

  • Time to strengthen older women’s voices

    Time to strengthen older women's voices

    [Brussels, 01 October 2012] Today, 01 October, is the International Day of Older Persons, a day which gains in significance with each year that passes and the number of elderly increases. While women live longer, their quality-of-life-years are shorter. Accumulated lifelong gender inequalities linked to women’s caring roles and expectations, part-time working patterns and less pay result in a greater risk of poverty as women age.
    This ‘feminisation of poverty’, on average 22% (1) of women (...) Read more

  • Europe prepares for Seniorforce Day in context of European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations 2012

    Europe prepares for Seniorforce Day in context of European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations 2012

    [Brussels, 26 September 2012] Every year, on 01 October, countries all over the world celebrates the International Day of Older Persons. In the
    context of the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between
    Generations 2012, public authorities and volunteer organisations all
    over Europe are invited to devote one day in October to find new ways
    of engaging senior volunteers and making the most of their
    contributions. More details at (...) Read more

  • Pussy Riot nominated for EU prize for freedom of thought

    Pussy Riot nominated for EU prize for freedom of thought

    [Brussels, 26 September 2012] The EWL is pleased to see the imprisoned members of Russian feminist punk rock band, Pussy Riot, shortlisted for this year’s Sakharov Prize of the European Parliament. The nomination for the human rights activist award was put forward by German green MEP Werner Schulz, and backed by 45 further members of the Parliament.
    Praising the "creativity" and "courage" of the band, three of whom were recently sentenced to two years in a labour camp after protesting (...) Read more

  • One Billion Rising Escalates. Full Website Launches!

    One Billion Rising Escalates. Full Website Launches!

    [Brussels, 25 September 2012] Since the launch of the campaign in February 2012, V-Day’s ONE BILLION RISING has gained incredible momentum, reaching millions across 160 countries and over 5000 organisations and gaining the support of politicians, artists, writers, celebrities, thinkers, activists, non-profits, and unions around the world.
    Check out the just launched, fully featured website for ONE BILLION RISING! This new platform will support the rapidly growing campaign activity including (...) Read more



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