European & International News

International news globe All the latest news from the European Union, its member states, and beyond.

  • Geneva Call to end sexual violence and gender discrimination

    Geneva Call to end sexual violence and gender discrimination

    [Geneva Call, Geneva, 19 July 2012] Geneva Call launches a new Deed of Commitment towards an end to sexual violence and gender discrimination
    The Deed of Commitment on the Prohibition of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict and towards the Elimination of Gender Discrimination is Geneva Call’s third Deed of Commitment. Launched in July 2012, it is a standard and universal document that gives armed non-­State actors (ANSAs) the opportunity to formally take ownership of international standards, (...) Read more

  • France renews discriminatory measures against Roma in a wave of forced evictions

    France renews discriminatory measures against Roma in a wave of forced evictions

    [Brussels, 17 August 2012] The French authorities are once again under fire from rights organisations following renewed moved to dismantle Roma camps this week. The EWL firmly condemns these discriminatory measures and calls upon France to fulfill its obligations towards the Roma community, in line with the EU treaties and the European Social Charter.
    Yesterday (12 August), French Interior Minister Manuel Valls declared that the government would consider lifting working restrictions for (...) Read more

  • Tunisia - Women stand firm for their equal rights

    Tunisia - Women stand firm for their equal rights

    [Brussels, 15 August 2012] Thousands of women have taken to the streets once again in the capital of Tunisia to protest a backlash against women’s legal equality with men in place since 1956. The protest in Tunis on Monday brought together around 6000 people - mostly women - to call for respect of women’s rights in law and in practice. A draft constitution drawn up by the new government contains a stipulation that considers women to be ‘complementary to men’
    The protestors carried banners (...) Read more

  • Egypt’s new male-dominated government betrays promises for gender balance

    Egypt's new male-dominated government betrays promises for gender balance

    [Brussels, 09 August 2012] President Morsi’s failure to achieve gender equality in his government will hamper women’s rights in Egypt in the aftermath of the revolution.
    When the revolution in Egypt last year toppled Mubarak’s government, Egyptian women believed that their joint fight with men would pave the way for gender equality in their country. Since then, however, the new President, Mr. Morsi, has failed to keep his promises. His new cabinet, announced beginning of August, is a striking (...) Read more

  • Documentary gives voice to refugees in Greece

    Documentary gives voice to refugees in Greece

    [Brussels, 06 August 2012] Filmed in Athens between October 2011 and February 2012, in the midst of social, political and economic turmoil, the documentary "How much further?" raises the voices of women and men who have fled Afghanistan, Somalia or Sudan hoping to find refuge in Europe. After months or even years on the road, they arrive in Greece, a country whose population is facing the full brunt of the economic crisis and where the asylum and reception systems are completely (...) Read more

  • Credit Suisse report finds women directors boost company performance

    Credit Suisse report finds women directors boost company performance

    [Brussels, 03 August 2012] A new research report released by the Credit Suisse Research Institute has found positive correlations between gender diversity on boards of administration and the economic performance of companies. “Gender Diversity and Corporate Performance” shows that companies with at least one women on the board have been 26% more successful than had no women over the course of the past six years.
    The Credit Suisse study is based in an analysis of the performances of close to (...) Read more

  • UN prioritises the protection of women and girls with disabilities

    UN prioritises the protection of women and girls with disabilities

    [Brussels, 02 August 2012] Women and girls are more exposed to greater risks of violence than men with disabilities, according to a report presented to the 20th Human Rights Council held in Geneva last month. This violence remains invisible and is not taken into account in national legislations.
    The study, commissioned of the Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights by the Human Rights Council (resolution 17/11), gives a series of recommendations and promotes a dual approach based (...) Read more

  • European Court of Human Rights rules on forced sterilisation of Roma women in Slovakia

    European Court of Human Rights rules on forced sterilisation of Roma women in Slovakia

    [Brussels, 01 August 2012] On 12 June 2012, the European Court of Human Rights issued a new ruling against Slovakia, for sterilisation of Roma women without informed consent. The ruling follows a similar 2011 judgement for coerced sterilisation of Roma women. The Court in both cases finds the forced sterilisation of Roma Women in contravention of Article 3 (prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment) and Article 8 (right to respect for private and family life) of the European Convention (...) Read more

  • European Court Of Human Rights condemns Spain for failture to investigate violence by police officers against prostituted woman

    European Court Of Human Rights condemns Spain for failture to investigate violence by police officers against prostituted woman

    [Brussels, 30 July 2012] The European Court Of Human Rights (ECHR) on 24 July issued a ruling against Spain for failure to investigate alledged sexist and racist violence by police following complaints by a woman in prostitution.
    The case concerned a prostituted woman of Nigerian origin who was stopped by the police on the outskirts of Palma de Mallorca. The Court found that the State had not conducted an adequate and effective investigation into her allegations of ill-treatment on two (...) Read more

  • States fail to agree Arms Trade Treaty but advocacy efforts continue

    States fail to agree Arms Trade Treaty but advocacy efforts continue

    [Brussels, 30 July 2012] After a month of intense negotiations, the Arms Trade Treaty Diplomatic Conference has ended without a treaty. Women’s rights activists, including EWL members, nevertheless report successful advocacy efforts to ensure gender and women’s rights will be taken into account in future negotiations, to continue in the framework of the UN General Assembly.
    Statement by the IANSA Women’s Network - International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA)
    After a month of intense (...) Read more



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