EWL News

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  • SEMINAR 25 years of feminist activism & action Friday 29.05.2015 // 16:00 // Brussels

    SEMINAR 25 years of feminist activism & action Friday 29.05.2015 // 16:00 // Brussels

    [Brussels, 24 April 2015] The European Women’s Lobby members, President Viviane Teitelbaum and the EWL Team in Brussels are delighted to invite you to a high-level seminar which will gather major actors in the field of women’s and girls’ rights, and will look back on 25 years of feminist action & activism and forward to the future of gender equality in Europe.
    Registrations are closed
    Practical Friday 29 May 2015 16:00 - 18:00 Venue: Brussels Parliament -
    Palais des Glaces - Rue du (...) Read more

  • EWL Beijing+20 in May - A fair & equal representation of women in the media in Europe

    EWL Beijing+20 in May - A fair & equal representation of women in the media in Europe

    [Brussels, 8 May 2015] Did you know that only 16% of photos in European newspaper show women over 45 years of age (according to the project “You can’t be what you can’t see”). In the EU, women account for only 24% of people that we hear or read about in the news. Moreover, while men are asked to speak as experts, women continue to be considered as victims or readers or watchers belonging to the general public.
    In May, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) focuses on Women and the Economy, as part of (...) Read more

  • Resolution adopted: the FEMM Committee urges the Council to resume the negotiations regarding the maternity leave directive

    Resolution adopted: the FEMM Committee urges the Council to resume the negotiations regarding the maternity leave directive

    [Brussels, 6 May 2015] The Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee meeting of May decided on very important issues.
    Challenging the MEPs, pregnant women workers and mothers of young children attended the meeting to show their support and address the danger of the Commission’s plans to withdraw the directive after four years’ of deadlock in the Council.
    The Committee adopted the resolution on the maternity leave directive by 19 votes in favour, 3 against and 11 abstentions, allowing it (...) Read more

  • EWL Vice-President Borbala Juhasz elected to the Management Committee of the Social Platform.

    EWL Vice-President Borbala Juhasz elected to the Management Committee of the Social Platform.

    [Brussels, 5 May 2015] A new Management Committee was elected at the General Assembly (GA) of the Social Platform for a period of two years. Borbala Juhasz, EWL Vice-President and President of the Hungarian Women’s Lobbywas elected among the seven members which include Secretary General of Eurochild Jana Hainsworth (President), Director of the European Anti-Poverty Network Barbara Helfferich (Vice-President), Managing Director of AGE Maciej Kucharczyck (Vice-President), Secretary General of (...) Read more

  • April 29, European Day of Solidarity between Generations

    April 29, European Day of Solidarity between Generations

    [JOINT PRESS RELEASE Brussels, 29th April 2015]
    Fostering intergenerational solidarity and cooperation through age-friendly environments: the right answer to Europe’s demographic challenge
    AGE Platform Europe, the Confederation of Family Organisa-tions in the European Union (COFACE), Eurochild, the European Women’s Lobby and the European Youth Forum unite to celebrate the European Day of Solidarity between Generations and raise awareness of the need to address Europe’s demographic challenge (...) Read more

  • Beijing+20 on health: Discuss surrogacy on 6 May with the screening of ’Breeders’ at 7pm in Brussels

    Beijing+20 on health: Discuss surrogacy on 6 May with the screening of 'Breeders' at 7pm in Brussels

    [Brussels, 24 April 2015] In the framework of the European Women’s Lobby Year of Action on Beijing+20, the EWL and MEP Anna Hedh invite you to the screening of ’Breeders’, on the issue of surrogacy. April is our Beijing+20 month dedicated to health, and we propose to have a debate on this new phenomenon, gaining European and international attention.
    Join us on Wednesday 6 May in Brussels, at the Swedish Permanent Representation to the EU. Please register by emailing (...) Read more

  • Outcomes and Outlooks:

    Outcomes and Outlooks:

    [Brussels, 24 April 2015] As part of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) 50/50 campaign, we’re evaluating the results of Finland’s parliamentary election that took place on Sunday, April 19 and looking ahead to the General Election taking place in the United Kingdom May 7.
    How many women candidates were elected to the Finnish Parliament (Eduskunta)? What does the scene look like for women candidates across the UK with campaign season in full swing and less than 2 weeks to go before Election (...) Read more

  • Colloque international à l’Université des femmes - « Femmes nordiques, politiques féministes et sociales au Nord »

    Colloque international à l'Université des femmes - « Femmes nordiques, politiques féministes et sociales au Nord »

    [Bruxelles, le 24 avril 2015] Le mercredi 22 avril au soir et le jeudi 23 avril se sont tenus deux jours de colloque à l’Université des femmes à Bruxelles sur les politiques féministes et sociales dans les pays nordiques. Le LEF avait le plaisir d’être invité à présider la journée du jeudi et ainsi à soutenir une association membre de sa coordination belge, avec la participation de Viviane Teitelbaum, Présidente du LEF et Pierrette Pape, chargée des politiques au LEF. Individualisation des droits, (...) Read more

  • EWL member Engender Scotland launches #Beijing20 report

    EWL member Engender Scotland launches #Beijing20 report

    [Edinburgh, 20 April 2015] Article by Alys Mumford at Engender Scotland
    2015 is a key year for women. 20 years since the Beijing Platform for Action was agreed, it marks a time for women’s organisations and governments to take stock – to see what has been achieved for gender equality, and to see how far we still have to go. On April 1st Engender, Scotland’s gender equality organisation, held an event at the Scottish Parliament to mark Beijing+20 and challenge the Scottish Government to take (...) Read more

  • EWL Beijing+20 in April - A holistic approach for the highest standards of wellbeing and health for all

    EWL Beijing+20 in April - A holistic approach for the highest standards of wellbeing and health for all

    [Brussels, 1 April 2015] Did you know that one in ten women in Europe doesn’t have access to care in the first months of pregnancy? That abortion is still not legal in Cyprus, Ireland, Malta and Poland, forcing women to face the health risks of unsafe illegal abortion? That between the ages of 25 and 40, women are three times more likely than men to suffer from depression, the higher rate being at times when they have their babies?
    In April, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) focuses on Women (...) Read more



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