EWL News

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  • EWL study visit in Norway in times of discussion on the Nordic model

    EWL study visit in Norway in times of discussion on the Nordic model

    [Brussels, 25 January 2014] From 17 to 20 January, EWL Interim Coordinator Pierrette Pape made a study visit to Norway in the framework of the European Women’s Lobby’s (EWL) campaign ‘Together for a Europe free from prostitution’.She met with a series of stakeholders to discuss the Norwegian legislation on prostitution and trafficking in women, and share EWL’s demands for abolitionist policies in order to reach gender equality in Europe.
    In 2008, Norway passed a very progressive law addressing (...) Read more

  • Sharing EWL experience of reputation at the European Public Affairs Action Day 2014

    Sharing EWL experience of reputation at the European Public Affairs Action Day 2014

    [Brussels, 30 January 2014] Today, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) spoke at a workshop organised by Cambre Associated in the framework of the European Public Affairs Action Day 2014. The day brought together professionals from the European public affairs world, to discuss the coming institutional changeover, public affairs 2020 and new approaches to communication strategies.
    EWL Interim Coordinator was invited to share the experience of civil society organisations in a panel discussion (...) Read more

  • Estonian members support women in Spain and the right to abortion in Europe

    Estonian members support women in Spain and the right to abortion in Europe

    [Tallinn, 25 January 2014] On the occasion of the conference celebrating ten years of action of the Estonian Women’s Associations Roundtable (EWAR), all participants, from EWAR member organisations, gathered for a group photo to take part to the European week of action to support women in Spain and the right to abortion in Europe.
    More than 100 women, together with several decision-makers and representatives from governmental and university authorities, took a group picture with the sign (...) Read more

  • 10 years for the Estonian Women’s Associations Roundtable!

    10 years for the Estonian Women's Associations Roundtable!

    [Tallinn, 25 January 2014] On Saturday 25 January 2014, the Estonian Women’s Associations Roundtable (EWAR) celebrated its ten years of action for women’s rights and gender equality. Created in 2004, the EWAR is the member organization of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) in Estonia and gathers 130 organisations, including 12 regional roundtables and organisations dedicated to a diversity of areas (women with disabilities, human rights, police women, journalists, etc.). The conference to (...) Read more

  • France: Defend European women’s basic right to abortion

    France: Defend European women's basic right to abortion

    [Press release of the French Coordination for the EWL, 27 January 2014, Paris] While France has just consolidated access to abortion by abolishing the condition included in the Veil law requiring a “situation of distress”, Spanish women risk losing the right altogether if the Parliament votes for the Rajoy’s government’s proposed law yielding to the worst religious conservative forces. In order to oppose such a regression, the CLEF calls on its member organization network to participate in (...) Read more

  • European Women’s Lobby launches video-clip “A she-(re) cession” - What does austerity mean for women in Europe?”

    European Women's Lobby launches video-clip “A she-(re) cession” - What does austerity mean for women in Europe?”

    [Brussels, 23 January 2014] The European Women’s Lobby is pleased to announce its brand new animated video-clip to raise awareness on the effects austerity policies continue to have on women in Europe. To watch the video-clip, click on the thumbnail below. The video-clip captures the main messages of the EWL’s report on the Impact of austerity measures on women in Europe.
    Watch the video-clip via our Youtube channel
    Austerity measures, which have been introduced throughout Europe as result (...) Read more

  • The EWL 5050 Campaign gains another prominent supporter: European Commission Vice-President Viviane Reding signed the Joint declaration

    The EWL 5050 Campaign gains another prominent supporter: European Commission Vice-President Viviane Reding signed the Joint declaration

    [Brussels, 23 January 2014] The European Women’s Lobby is delighted to have another prominent supporter of the 5050 campaign No modern Democracy without Gender Equality ahead of the EU elections in May.
    European Commission Vice-President Vivane Reding signed the Joint declaration of the 5050 campaign which demands equal representation of women in all EU institutions. The 5050 campain is supported by a cross party alliance of all parties in the European Parliament which is represented by a (...) Read more

  • The EWL congratulates the EP Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee for its stance against violence against women

    The EWL congratulates the EP Women's Rights and Gender Equality Committee for its stance against violence against women

    [Brussels, 23 January 2013] The European Parliament Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee voted today on the report on Combating Violence against women. The EWL congratulates the Rapporteur MEP Antonyia Parvanova for her work and calls all the MEPs to support this important report at the Plenary vote in February. In particular, the EWL welcomes the report’s recommendation to establish a European Year to End violence against women and calls on all MEPs to support its campaign asking for (...) Read more

  • EWL to highlight links between trafficking in women and international marriage brokers

    EWL to highlight links between trafficking in women and international marriage brokers

    [Brussels, 22 January 2014] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) has been invited to present its view on the phenomenon of marriage brokers and its links with trafficking in human beings. EWL Interim Coordinator Pierrette Pape will speak at the conference hosted by MEP Britta Thomsen on 29 January in the European Parliament. Please find below more information about the event.
    What is Being Done to Reduce the Vulnerability of Girl’s entering Europe through International Marriage Brokers/ Mail (...) Read more

  • The EWL welcomes Pierrette Pape as its acting Coordinator

    The EWL welcomes Pierrette Pape as its acting Coordinator

    [Brussels, 17 January 2013] The European Women’s Lobby welcomes the decision of its Executive Committee to offer the position of Acting Coordinator to Pierrette Pape, EWL Policy Officer and Project Coordinator until the new EWL Secretary General takes position in the coming months. Pierrette will be taking over from Secretary General Cécile Gréboval, who leaves the EWL after more than 17 years of commitment and excellent work for women’s rights in Europe.
    Pierrette Pape joined the EWL in 2009. (...) Read more



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