EWL News

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  • EWL publishes Barometer analysing National Action Plans on Violence against Women

    EWL publishes Barometer analysing National Action Plans on Violence against Women

    [Brussels, 21 October 2011] The European Women’s Lobby is pleased to unveil its 2011 Barometer on National Action Plans (NAPs) on violence against women.
    Thanks to the work and expertise of the experts to the EWL Observatory on violence against women, the EWL has produced a strong policy document analysing NAPs on violence against women.
    The Barometer aims to take stock of existing NAPs, voice NGO satisfaction with the consultation process held by their government when (...) Read more

  • EWL finalises preparations for Board meeting and seminar on "The other half of gender – Masculinities and men’s role towards equality"

    EWL finalises preparations for Board meeting and seminar on "The other half of gender – Masculinities and men's role towards equality"

    [Brussels, 21 October 2011] Today, 40 EWL Board members from across Europe will descend on Brussels in order to spend the weekend discussing the future orientations of the organisation. Meetings of the EWL Executive and Membership Committee will also take place on the sidelines of the Board. In addition, the Saturday afternoon will be dedicated to the traditional EWL capacity-building seminar, which on this ocasion will also be open to the public. The discussions on the theme of men and (...) Read more

  • Launch of Portuguese petition and actions ‘Together for a Europe Free from Prostitution’

    Launch of Portuguese petition and actions ‘Together for a Europe Free from Prostitution'

    [Brussels, 21 October 2011] On 20 October, the Portuguese National Coordination of the EWL, the Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights, PpDM, organised a full-day event on prostitution and trafficking for sexual exploitation, in order to draw attention to this issue in the political and public sphere.
    Over the day, speakers from Portugal, Scotland, Hungary and Belgium shared experiences and expertise on the issues of trafficking for sexual exploitation and prostitution.
    Teresa Fragoso, (...) Read more

  • Czech Republic - Work/Life Balance in Four European Countries: A Selection of Local Specifics

    Czech Republic - Work/Life Balance in Four European Countries: A Selection of Local Specifics

    [Brussels, 20 October 2011] EWL member organisation in the Czech Republic, Gender Studies, have published an article detailing project findings on wor-life balance in their country, Slovakia, Poland and Germany.
    Project partners cooperating in the project entitled “Reconciliation of Private and Family Life in the International Context: Transfer of Know-How and Development of a Thematic Network” have shared with us a description of the possibilities for achieving work/life balance in their (...) Read more

  • EWL meets with Lynne Featherstone, UK Under-Secretary for Equalities

    EWL meets with Lynne Featherstone, UK Under-Secretary for Equalities

    [Brussels, 20 October 2011] On Wednesday 19 October, EWL Secretary General, Cécile Gréboval, and EWL Communications and Media Officer, Leanda Barrington-Leach, were invited to the UK Permanent Representation to the EU to meet with Lynne Featherstone, the British junior minister in charge of equalities. On this occasion, the EWL representatives and Ms. Featherstone held a meaningful exchange on UK and EU policies regarding violence against women, the Maternity Leave Directive which is (...) Read more

  • EWL President visits women’s organisations in Tunisia

    EWL President visits women's organisations in Tunisia

    [Brussels, 20 October 2011] In order to make first contact with civil society in Tunisia, the Heinrich Böll Foundation organised a first mission in Tunisia on 01-06 October 2011. The EWL was invited to join and Brigitte Triems, President of EWL, participated in this mission.
    The delegation met with civil society representatives, in particular representatives of women’s organisations, who are very active in this crucial transition period. The mission happened at an important time a few days (...) Read more

  • Luxembourg - Statu quo pour les femmes lors des élections locales

    Luxembourg - Statu quo pour les femmes lors des élections locales

    [Bruxelles, le 20 Octobre 2011] Le Conseil National des Femmes du Luxembourg, membres du LEF, a publié un rapport expliquant les premiers résultats concernant la participation des femmes aux élections locales du 9 octobre 2011 au Grand-duché de Luxembourg.
    Aux élections communales du 9 octobre 2011, 1129 sièges étaient à pourvoir dans 116 communes.
    16 communes fusionneront en 6 nouvelles communes à partir de janvier 2012: Clervaux : Clervaux_Heinerscheid_Munshausen Vallée de l’Ernz : (...) Read more

  • EWL welcomes strong gender perspective in common statement of EU agencies to address trafficking in human beings

    EWL welcomes strong gender perspective in common statement of EU agencies to address trafficking in human beings

    [Brussels, 19 October 2011] To mark the 5th EU Anti-Trafficking Day on 18 October 2011, the EU Justice and Home Affairs Agencies (CEPOL, EASO, EIGE, FRONTEX, EUROJUST, EUROPOL, FRA), in cooperation with the Polish Presidency and the European Commission, organised a conference on the theme "EU Member States and Agencies jointly addressing trafficking in human beings and protecting victims" in Warsaw.
    The EWL was invited to attend the conference, which aimed at exchanging views on (...) Read more

  • Portugal - EWL members to host conference on trafficking and prostitution in Portugal and Europe

    Portugal - EWL members to host conference on trafficking and prostitution in Portugal and Europe

    [Brussels, 13 October 2011] On 20 October, the Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights will organise a conference on prostitution and trafficking in human beings for sexual exploitation, in Europe and Portugal.
    The PPDM is the national member organisation of the EWL and wishes to bring the issues of trafficking and prostitution on the political agenda.
    The morning session will be dedicated to the issue of trafficking for sexual exploitation. Representatives from the European Women’s Lobby (...) Read more

  • Young migrant women invisible in secondary education policy, according to international research published by EWL members in Cyprus

    Young migrant women invisible in secondary education policy, according to international research published by EWL members in Cyprus

    [Brussels, 13 October 2011] A new book has revealed that young migrant women are excluded from policies aimed at the integration of migrant children in schools. The book is the result of an 18-month research project entitled “Integration of Young Migrant Women in the Secondary Education: Promoting Integration and Mutual Understanding through Dialogue and Exchange”, and compiles the results of the qualitative research implemented in five European partner countries – the UK, Germany, Spain, (...) Read more



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