At the national level

  • Cyprus to discuss violence against women and prostitution

    Cyprus to discuss violence against women and prostitution

    [Nicosia, 18 November 2012] The Cyprus Women’s Lobby (CWL) and the European Parliament Office in Cyprus are organizing a conference entitled “Violence against Women and Prostitution”, on 28 November 2012 in the EU House in Nicosia, Cyprus. The aim of the conference is to initiate a public dialogue on the issue of women in prostitution in Cyprus. Many academics, activists and policy makers view prostitution as a form of violence against women and believe the system should be abolished. Others (...) Read more

  • Scotland considers the demand side of the prostitution equation

    Scotland considers the demand side of the prostitution equation

    [Glasgow, 29 October 2012] As a result of a lot of hard work on part of feminist campaigners, Scotland again gets a chance to discuss a proposed law to criminalise the purchase of sex. Analysis by Marsha Scott, UK expert to the EWL Observatory on violence against women.
    A previous “members bill”—submitted by an individual member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP)—received overwhelming support in its consultation period, but the sponsoring MSP (Trish Godman) did not stand for re-election, and the (...) Read more

  • Dublin skyline says ’Turn Off the Red Light’

    Dublin skyline says 'Turn Off the Red Light'

    [Dublin, 22 October 2012] Ireland’s “Turn Off the Red Light” campaign which is seeking legislation targeting sex buyers has literally taken its message to the skies of Dublin, with a banner dominating the city centre.
    Commuters crossing one of Dublin’s busiest bridges and on the main route to the Airport all pass the banner which focuses on the age girls enter prostitution with the catch line “Anna was 14”. Passers by are guided to Facebook, Twitter #Annawas14 and a link which allows them to (...) Read more

  • EWL members call for new Irish legislation abolishing prostitution

    EWL members call for new Irish legislation abolishing prostitution

    [Brussels, 19 October 2012] A broad national consultation on what the future prostitution legislation in Ireland should look like was launched by the Irish Minister for Justice and Equality in June 2012. Last Saturday (13 October), a one-day conference on the Future Direction of Prostitution Legislation was held as part the consultation process.
    The Irish Minister for Justice Mr Alan Shatter recalled that the regulations put in place in early 1990s appear to be outdated and in need of (...) Read more

  • EWL calls on MEPs to ensure tackling demand for prostitution is at heart of EU strategy to combat organised crime

    EWL calls on MEPs to ensure tackling demand for prostitution is at heart of EU strategy to combat organised crime

    [Brussels, 17 October 2012] The European Parliament is preparing a report on the strengthening of EU action to tackle organised crime. Speaking in Plenary on Monday, the author of the report and member of the EP’s special committee on organised crime, corruption and money laundering, Salvatore Iacolino, said that such illegal activities were ’structural and here to stay’. The EWL is pleased to see support for greater action at EU level to deal with organised crime which is increasingly (...) Read more

  • Women’s organisations’ conference brings back prostitution on the Swedish agenda: what steps towards a strengthened sex purchase law?

    Women's organisations' conference brings back prostitution on the Swedish agenda: what steps towards a strengthened sex purchase law?

    [Brussels, 28 September 2012] Women’s organisations, including the European Women’s Lobby (EWL), met this week in Stockholm to discuss strengthening the legislation which has already made Sweden a model in Europe for its approach to the system of prostitution.
    In the struggle for equality between women and men, Sweden has been at the forefront of working towards abolishing prostitution. Its 1999 law on violence against women was the first one in Europe to qualify prostitution as a form of (...) Read more

  • EWL meets journalists to present a women’s rights perspective on human trafficking

    EWL meets journalists to present a women's rights perspective on human trafficking

    [Brussels, 26 September 2012] EWL Communications & Media Officer, Leanda Barrington-Leach, on Monday addressed a group of journalists invited to Brussels by the European Commission and the European Journalism Centre to investigate the realities of human trafficking in Europe and the EU policies in place to tackle this phenomenon. Following interventions by Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom, EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator, Myria Vassiliadou, and a variety of EU officials, the EWL presented (...) Read more

  • Sex trade without borders – How can the Swedish sex purchase law be strengthened? - EWL members’ Conference in Stockholm on 26 September 2012

    Sex trade without borders – How can the Swedish sex purchase law be strengthened? - EWL members' Conference in Stockholm on 26 September 2012

    [Brussels, 12 September 2012] In the framework of EWL’s campaign ‘Together for a Europe free from prostitution’, the Swedish Women’s Lobby organises on 26 September 2012 a European conference aiming at discussing how to strengthen the Swedish sex purchase law.
    The Swedish sex purchase law has proved great success in the work against prostitution and towards increased equality between women and men. However, increased globalisation and tourism brings new challenges as the sex trade transcends (...) Read more

  • Irish billboards raise awareness about the young age of entry into prostitution

    Irish billboards raise awareness about the young age of entry into prostitution

    [Brussels, 22 August 2012] The campaign Turn Off the Red Light (TORL), which has by now 55 partners and represents over a million supporters in Ireland, has launched Billboards “Anna was 14” around Ireland, and an accompanying Twitter campaign which generated much public debate.
    The campaigners chose to focus on the most difficult to accept fact about prostitution: this is the young age of entry into prostitution and the fact that children are being found in situation of prostitution every (...) Read more

  • EWL and its partners contribute to the Irish consultation on prostitution

    EWL and its partners contribute to the Irish consultation on prostitution

    [Brussels, 22 August 2012] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) has sent this month its contribution to the Irish consultation ‘Review of Legislation on Prostitution’, initiated by the the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Equality and Defence. The National Women’s Council of Ireland is also preparing a contribution, and the alliance Turn Off the Red Light (TORL) is launching hers on 24 August.
    In their submission, the EWL and the TORL campaign call on the Irish government to update the (...) Read more



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