EWL publications and projects on violence against women
EWL and the Council of Europe joint forces in the project: "Act against rape! Use the Istanbul Convention!". This project aimed at raising awareness on the provisions on the Istanbul Convention regarding rape and to promote the Convention as a concrete tool for change to eradicate all forms of male violence against women and specifically rape. Public events were organised in 28 countries around Europe and in the European Parliament during the 16 days of activism against violence against women in 2013. Download the full report of this project here.
EWL Barometer on Rape in the EU 2013. This report focuses on rape as one of the most brutal forms of violence against woman. It stocks all national legislation on rape in comparison with the standards set by the Council of Europe Convention on combating and preventing violence against women and domestic violence. The Barometer can be read here.
EWL-initiated broad European advocacy movement, gathering NGOs and decision-makers, lobbying for comprehensive EU action on violence against women and for a European Year on combating and preventing violence against women (2011-2015). To find out more click here.
‘EWL Campaign: Together for a Europe free from prostitution’ (2010-2012). This is the EWL campaign regarding the issue of prostitution in Europe. Information about its objectives, tools, supporters as well as resources can be found here.
EWL Magazine European Women’s Voice on this theme: ‘Violence against women in the European Union’ (Spring 2011). To read the magazine click here.
EWL Barometer: ‘National Action Plans on Violence against Women in the EU’ (August 2011). This is a report that aims to take stock of existing National Action Plans (NAPs); voice NGO satisfaction with the consultation process held by their government when drafting/implementing/evaluating the NAPs; and highlight women’s organisations’ assessments of the NAPs in their countries. To read the barometer click here.
EWL lobbying kit: ‘Towards a strong Council of Europe convention on all forms of male violence against women’ (2010). The Council of Europe prepared a Convention on ‘Preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence’. Throughout the process of its elaboration and adoption, the EWL aimed to ensure that the voices and concerns of women’s rights NGOs were clearly heard and fully taken into consideration. The lobbying kit provided information and tools designed to help the EWL, its members, supporters and NGO partners take action. To read the kit, click here.
EWL position paper: ‘Towards a Europe free from all forms of male violence against women’ (2010). The EWL Centre on Violence against Women produced this position paper constituting the basis for the EWL and its members to develop advocacy work on the issue of male violence against women at European and national level. To read this position paper click here.
EWL and CATW awareness raising film ‘Not for Sale’ (2006). To watch the film click here.
A EWL and CATW report ‘The links between prostitution and sex trafficking: a briefing handbook’ (2006). The report contains ideas and research on prostitution and trafficking, while also helping to give a voice to those who have survived sexual abuse and exploitation. To read the report, click here.
A three-year project ‘Nordic-Baltic Network’, with NGOs and government agencies from the eight Nordic and Baltic countries, working together to develop the best possible models to support and assist women who are trafficked (2005-2008). To read more about this project click here.
A shadow report to the Council of Europe stocktaking study: ‘Reality Check: When women’s NGOs map policies and legislation on violence against women in Europe’ (2007). To read report click here.
A report by the EWL Observatory on Violence against Women experts ‘Towards a common European framework to monitor progress in combating violence against women’ (2001). The report aims to provide a resource to establish a framework that monitors progress on combating male violence against women in the European Union: To read report click here.
A first European wide data on violence against women: ‘Unveiling the Hidden Data on Domestic Violence in the EU’ (1999). To read report click here.