European & International News

International news globe All the latest news from the European Union, its member states, and beyond.

  • Women’s Movements Present Alternatives at the World Social Forum

    Women's Movements Present Alternatives at the World Social Forum

    [AWID, 25 February 2011] Initiated in opposition to the exclusive World Economic Forum, the World Social Forum(WSF) has, since it began in 2001, converged as an important space for civil society movements to propose alternatives to the dominating economically and socially excluding systems, under the banner “Another world is possible”. Feminist movements have been a key force for change within the Forum, contesting gender blind policies and proposing new alternatives for women’s empowerment. (...) Read more

  • UN Women officially launched

    UN Women officially launched

    [UN Women, New York, 24 February 2011] The UN today celebrates the historic launch of UN Women, its newest organization, with an evening including luminaries from the worlds of politics, entertainment, business, the media, music and film in the UN General Assembly Hall. UN Women, formally known as the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, combines four previous UN bodies and represents the United Nations’ most ambitious effort ever to accelerate actions to (...) Read more

  • Susie Orbach launches Endangered Species International Summit to challenge body beautiful culture

    Susie Orbach launches Endangered Species International Summit to challenge body beautiful culture

    [Brussels, 24 February 2011] Endangered Species International Summit - established by Susie Orbach and launched on 7 Febryary in London - will celebrate body diversity and challenge the culture that teaches girls and women to hate their own bodies. Events will take place around the world in March - the same month as the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day - with the main UK event to be held at London’s Southbank Centre on 4th March 2011.
    To launch the summit, Endangered Species, (...) Read more

  • Coalition of Women’s NGOs in Egypt endorses 25th of January revolution

    Coalition of Women's NGOs in Egypt endorses 25th of January revolution

    [Brussels, 23 February 2011] In the context of the CSW meeting being held in New York, the Coalition of Women’s NGOs in Egypt has issued a Statement regarding their support of political change in Egypt and contesting the legitimacy of the National Council of Women. Read the Statement below.
    [Coalition of Women’s NGOs in Egypt, Cairo, 20 February 2011] Despite the fall of some of the pillars of the Egyptian regime and the stepping down of the former president of the Republic, the National (...) Read more

  • Workplace violence ’commonplace’ in Europe, says report

    Workplace violence 'commonplace' in Europe, says report

    [Martin Banks in Brussels, 21 February 2011] Violence, bullying and harassment are becoming "increasingly common" in places of work in Europe, according to a new report by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA).
    However, it says that the response to the problem from organisations and national governments is "inadequate."
    Violence and harassment affects from five per cent to 20 per cent of European workers, depending on the country and sector employed, it says.
    The (...) Read more

  • MEP calls for EU Strategy on violence against women in Plenary sesssion

    MEP calls for EU Strategy on violence against women in Plenary sesssion

    On Monday 14 February 2011, Valentine’s day, MEP Marc Tarabella (Belgium, S&D) used the opportunity of the ‘one-minute speech’ to expose in plenary session in Strasbourg his concerns about the lack of a Commission proposal for an EU Strategy on violence against women. The EWL has also expressed deep concern that the European Commission will fail in its duty to put forward such a Strategy (see article and Press Release of 30 December 2010: ’EWL demands Commission implement commitments on (...) Read more

  • Turkey: Roj Women question the effectiveness of the National Action Plan to combat Violence against Women

    Turkey: Roj Women question the effectiveness of the National Action Plan to combat Violence against Women

    Roj Women is a Kurdish and Turkish grass-roots women’s rights movement established in 2004 and based in London. Roj Women has a membership of hundreds of women from different countries both in Europe and in the Kurdish regions of Syria, Iran, Iraq and Turkey.
    In a recent summary report of their campaign for an effective implementation of the National Action Plan to combat violence against women Roj Women explain why they believe the Turkish Plan is failing to deliver its goals.
    In South (...) Read more

  • U.N. Intensifies Campaign Against Female Genital Mutilation

    U.N. Intensifies Campaign Against Female Genital Mutilation

    The United Nations is intensifying its global campaign to eliminate one of the most widely-condemned religious and cultural rituals in the world today, mostly in Africa and Asia: female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C).
    The joint efforts by two U.N. agencies - the U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA) and the U.N. children’s agency UNICEF - have resulted in over 6,000 communities abandoning the physically-harmful practice in countries such as Ethiopia, Egypt, Kenya, Senegal, Burkina Faso, the (...) Read more

  • Proud to be Roma: Roma MEP Lívia Járóka on the need for a European strategy

    Proud to be Roma: Roma MEP Lívia Járóka on the need for a European strategy

    [European Parliament, Brussels, 9 February 2011] Due to the fact that as many as 12 million European Roma continue to face segregation and intergenerational poverty throughout the EU, the Union is searching for European-wide solutions. With a European Roma Strategy being a priority for the Hungarian EU Presidency, we talked to Lívia Járóka (EPP), the only Roma member of European Parliament. The 36-year old Hungarian MEP has prepared a report on the strategy that would allow Europe to use the (...) Read more

  • Women’s Rights Committee debates situation of Europe’s single mothers

    Women's Rights Committee debates situation of Europe's single mothers

    Article published on the European Parliament’s website.
    As families and family life gets more diverse across Europe a Hearing on Monday (31 January) with MEPs and academics debated the situation of single mothers and the challenges they face. About 1 in 3 children in the European Union are born out of wedlock and 9 out of 10 of single parents are women. A wide group of MEPs and academics discussed the complexity of the situation. A recent survey of women called for more flexible working (...) Read more



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