EWL press coverage

Press coverage newspapers icon Copies of some of the press coverage our work has received.

  • Piden ilegalizar pago por sexo en Europa

    Más de doscientas organizaciones de defensa de los derechos de la mujer pidieron a la Unión Europea que apruebe una ley para ilegalizar el pago por sexo en cualquier país del bloque regional.
    El Lobby de Mujeres Europeas, que lidera la campaña, dice que hay ejemplos de que tales políticas funcionan. El colectivo señala que en Suecia la prostitución de calle se redujo a la mitad desde que se adoptó una medida similar la década pasada.
    El lanzamiento de la campaña se produjo en una conferencia (...) Read more

  • Paragrafen gegen die Prostitution

    Deutsche Fachorganisationen ziehen Bilanz nach zehn Jahren Prostitutionsgesetz – und blicken besorgt zu den Nachbarländern. In Europa nehmen Verbote und Ausgrenzung zu. Vorbild hierfür ist das schwedische Modell zur Bestrafung der Freier.
    by Brigitte Hürlimann
    “Es betrübt mich nicht wenig zu beobachten, dass Ihre Anstrengungen, die Unzucht zu unterdrücken, nur dazu geführt haben, ihr Vorschub zu leisten, und dass dieser Zweig der Unmoral unter Ihren Händen zum Blühen gekommen ist, als ob er (...) Read more

  • Prostitution Ban In The EU Would Be Bad News For Sex Worker Safety

    by Elizabeth Nolan Brown
    Ugh. So anti- this proposal from European women’s groups calling for a prostitutionban spanning the European Union. The aim is to combat gender inequality and violence against women by making selling or paying for sex illegal, a campaign spokeswoman said. But further criminalizing female sex workers, making it impossible for them to earn a living or forcing them into deeper underground avenues seems like kind of a jackass way of helping, no? To really help (...) Read more

  • Quieren abolir el oficio más antiguo del mundo

    Algunos la llaman “profesión”, otros “oficio”. Lo cierto es que en Europa quieren abolirla.
    Más de 200 ONGs que defienden los derechos de las mujeres, se presentaron ante la Unión Europea para que la prostitución sea abolida. Si bien las aguas están muy divididas en el continente europeo, con Suecia ostentando tolerancia cero para la prostitución y los Países Bajos legalizándola, la controversia continúa.
    Claro, es que algunos piensan que dicha "profesión" es una especie de violación a la dignidad (...) Read more

  • Gender equality on the EU labour market

    With EYP – the European Youth Parliament
    Question from Elsa, Germany:
    “My name is Elsa Lund, I’m from Frankfurt in Germany. I’m yet to enter the labour maket. Can you ensure that I’ll have the same opportunities as my male co-workers?”
    Answer by Mary Collins, Policy Officer, European Women’s Lobby:
    “First of all, the good news is that the law is on your side. For the last 40 years, the European Union has been putting in place directives – which are enforceable laws – in all countries to ensure (...) Read more

  • Women and unions deplore two year delay on maternity directive

    (AE) WOMEN: WOMEN AND UNIONS DEPLORE TWO YEARS DELAY ON MATERNITY DIRECTIVE Brussels, 30/11/2012 (Agence Europe) - The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) and European unions want to reinvigorate the file on the revision of the Pregnant Workers’ Directive (92/85/EEC), which has lain dormant at the Council for the last two years and which focuses on the very controversial issue of paid maternity leave. Indeed, since its adoption in first reading at the European Parliament, the Council has never (...) Read more

  • 50/50 Declaration for parity in institutions after 2014

    (AE) WOMEN: 50/50 DECLARATION FOR PARITY IN INSTITUTIONS AFTER 2014 Brussels, 22/11/2012 (Agence Europe) - MEPs are now ready to do battle to defend equality in the European institutions after the 2014 elections. A “multi-party” declaration was presented on Wednesday 22 November at the European Parliament during the plenary session. This declaration seeks to obtain a maximum number of signatures. The 50/50 Declaration has already obtained the support of around fifty MEPs from all the (...) Read more

  • The thin line between prostitution and slavery

    The shady underworld of global prostitution is alarming, and Europe should act to tackle the dire situation by looking at Sweden as a model to end slavery that still weighs on women, writes Pierrette Pape.
    Pierrette Pape is a policy officer and project coordinator for the European Women’s Lobby.
    "Changing ’the way things have always been’ can seem a daunting task. Often, the status quo seems not only normal, but also inevitable. This is certainly the case when it comes to prostitution, a (...) Read more

  • Trailblazing new approaches to prostitution

    More than a decade after adopting new policies on prostitution, two EU countries are discovering what works and what does not – and it is time for the rest of Europe to realise the urgency of breaking the status quo, writes women’s lobby
    Changing the way things have always been can seem a daunting task. Often, the status quo seems not only normal, but also inevitable. This is certainly the case when it comes to prostitution, a system that is widely acknowledged to have dark links with human (...) Read more

  • Vrouwenverenigingen eisen verbod op prostitutie

    Onder de slogan ’Together for a Europe free of prostitution’ hebben tweehonderd verenigingen voor vrouwenrechten in het Europees Parlement in Brussel een Europees verbod op de aankoop van seksuele diensten bepleit. Op een conferentie in het Europees Parlement schotelde de Europese koepelvereniging European Women’s Lobby de besluitvormers zes aanbevelingen voor. Naast een verbod op de aankoop van seksuele diensten verlangen de activisten onder meer de afschaffing van repressieve maatregelen (...) Read more



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